
2023-02-01 02:06:05 字數 1549 閱讀 3660




what』s good about wellbeing? what's good about positive emotions? the answer is:

it feels good to feel good. this is aristotle's law of identity: a is a-- it feels good to feel good.

why not feel good, if we can feel good?


the first key issue is that it's good in and of itself-- almost needs no justification. however, beyond just feeling good, happiness also contributes to our life, to our relationships. it contributes to other people.




positive emotions h**e an evolutionary reason, that they h**e a purpose beyond just ****** us feel good. for example, they help us think beyond what we are thinking right now, broaden our thinking; they help us build relationships; they help us build capacities capacity 能力,能量-- remember one of the key concepts of this course is the positive emotions, positive psychology as a field as a whole, is about building capacities. the two analogies we use was strengthening our immune system or stronger "psychological engine" that has the capacity [k'pst] 能力能量to endure [n'dj; en-; -'dj]忍耐,承受 more not just from the negative to zero, but also from the zero to the positive.


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