The Cat in the Hat中文翻譯

2022-11-23 20:21:13 字數 4381 閱讀 6121

the sun did not shine太陽不露面,大雨嘩嘩下,

it was too wet to play. so we sat in the house 這樣的天氣沒法出去玩耍。我們只好坐在屋子裡

all that cold, cold, wet day. 整整一天又溼又冷,大雨嘩啦啦。


i sat there with sally. we sat there, we two我和薩莉併排坐著,兩個人在那兒幹坐,

and i said, 「how i wish we had something to do!」 還是我開口把話說,「真想找點事兒來做做!」 (two和do押尾韻)

too wet to go out, and too cold to play ball. 大雨嘩嘩下,沒法跑出去,天氣冷得很,球也沒法踢,

so we sat in the house. we did nothing at all. 我們倆只好在屋子裡待著,沒有一點兒事情可做。


so all we could do was to sit! sit! sit! sit! 我們倆什麼也沒法做。只能坐著!坐著!

and we did not like one little bit. 我們可不願意這樣待著。一點兒也不願意!


and then,something went bump! 就在這時候,什麼東西發出砰的一聲

how that bump made us jump! 把我們嚇得猛地一驚!


we looked!then we saw him step in on the mat! 我們倆一看,正瞧見他踏上地毯!

and we saw him!the cat in the hat正瞧見他走了進來!戴高帽子的貓!

and he said to us,「why do you sit there like that?」 他對我們說,「幹嘛那樣呆坐著?」


「i know it is wet and the sun is not sunny. 「我知道大雨正在嘩嘩下,我知道太陽也躲起來啦,

but we can h**e lots of good fun that is funny!」 不過我們能玩好多好多把戲,那會非常非常有趣!」


「i know some good games we could play,」said the cat. 「我知道咱們能玩什麼遊戲,」戴高帽子的貓說,

「i know some new tricks,」said the cat in the hat. 「我知道一些新奇的把戲你們從沒見過。

「a lot of good will show them to you好多好玩兒的把戲,我來讓你們大開眼界,

your mother will not mind at all if i do你們的媽媽一點兒也不會介意我這麼做。」

then sally and i did not know what to say這下薩莉和我不知道話該怎麼說起,

our mother was out of the house for the day我們的媽媽一整天都不在家裡。


but our fish said, 「no! no! make that cat go away!


tell that cat in the hat,you do not want to play. 告訴那戴高帽子的貓,你們根本就不想玩玩鬧鬧。

he should not be should not be about. 他不該待在這裡,他不該到處轉來轉去。

he should not be here when your mother is out!」 媽媽不在家的時候,他不能待在這裡!」


「now! now! h**e no fear. h**e no fear!」 said the cat.


「my tricks are not bad我的把戲沒什麼可怕。

「why, we can h**e lots of good fun, if you wish, 哎呀呀,如果你們願意,咱們能玩得開心至極

with a game that i call up-up-up with a fish!」 這個遊戲叫做魚兒公升呀公升上去!」


「put me down!」 said the fish. 「放下我!」小魚兒大聲喊叫,

「this is no fun at all這一點兒都不好玩兒,真是胡鬧!

put me down!」 said the fish. 放下我!」小魚兒說,

「i do not wish to fall我可不想往下掉!」


「h**e no fear!」 said the cat. 「別害怕!」那只貓說道,

「i will not let you fall我不會讓你往下掉。

i will hold you up high把你往上舉得高高,

as i stand on a ball我腳下踩著圓球,

with a book on one hand! 用手托起一本書,

and a cup on my hat還把茶杯在帽子上頂好!

but that is not all i can do!」 不過,我能做到的不止這些噢!」

said the cat那只貓說道……


「look at me! look at me now!」 said the cat. 「 看著我!現在都看我啊!」那只貓說道,

「with a cup and a cake on the top of my hat! 「看我的帽子上頂著茶杯和蛋糕,

i can hold up two books我能把兩本書托起來,

i can hold up the fish還能把小魚兒舉得高高,

and a little toy ship我還能頂起一艘玩具船,

and some milk on a dish和托盤上的牛奶!

and look!i can hop up and down on the ball! 看啊!我能在圓球上上蹦下跳!

but that is not all! oh, no不過,我能做到的不止這些!

that is not all哦,我能做到的可真不少……


look at me! look at me now看著我!看著我!現在都看著我!

it is fun to h**e fun but you h**e to know how. 耍耍把戲真開心,不過你得知道該怎麼做。

i can hold up the cup and the milk and the cake! 我可以頂著茶杯、牛奶和蛋糕,

i can hold up these books! and the fish on a rake! 手裡托著這些書,耙子上面頂著魚,

i can hold the toy ship and a little toy man! 還能舉起玩具船和小人!

and look! with my tail i can hold a red fan! 看哪!我還能用尾巴捲起紅扇子,

i can fan with the fan as i hop on the ball! 一邊扇風一邊在圓球上蹦蹦跳跳!

but that is not no. that is not all哦,不止這些,遠遠不止……」


that is what the cat said這話是那只貓的獨白……

then he fell on his head接著他就來了個倒栽蔥,

he came down with a bump from up there on the ball. 從圓球上砰的一聲跌下來,

and sally and i, we saw all the things fall! 薩莉和我目瞪口呆,眼睜睜看著所有的東西摔下來!


and our fish came down, too我們的小魚兒也一起往下掉,

he fell into a pot落進乙個茶壺裡面!


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作者 遲正宴 新課程 中學 2015年第04期 在學校的教育教學工作中,德育工作是第一位的,德育工作開展得好壞直接影響到學校的教育教學工作,更影響到學生一生的發展。一 制度育人 制度具有指引 評價 作用。建立一套良好的制度和規則,並確保其實施,是德育工作的保障。學校要結合本校實際情況制定 樓內十不准...