
2023-02-11 15:06:02 字數 1515 閱讀 3951






中圖分類號:tu723 文獻標識碼:a 文章編號:1672-9129(2018)05-0116-02

on the causes and control measures of construction cost exceeding budget

chen tianyin*

(fuzhou hecheng engineering consulting management co., ltd., fujian xiamen, 361021, china)

: with the rapid development of construction industry in our country, the cost of construction project is becoming higher and higher, and the construction structure is becoming more and more complex. in this case, the cost management of construction project has a higher requirement.

not only to ensure the smooth completion of the construction project, but also to control the cost of the construction project from many aspects. the construction cost management involves a wide range of engineering contents, which is easy to be affected by many factors, resulting in cost waste phenomenon, and finally leads to the unf**orable phenomenon of the project cost exceeding budget, which seriously affects the healthy development of the construction industry in our country. in view of this, this ***** makes some analysis on the cause of overbudget of construction project cost.

and put forward the corresponding suggestions for reference.


摘要 對於建築工程施工企業來說,如果工程造價超預算就會導致企業資金運轉困難 投資效益降低,影響到工程順利實施。因此必須對超預算的原因進行分析,採取相應的解決措施才能保證建築企業健康發展。關鍵詞 建築工程 造價 超預算 問題 措施 在建築工程造價管理中,對預算的控制是其中重要的環節,有利於企業對工程造...


摘要 要求從事建築工程造價預算控制的相關人員高度重視建築工程造價預算控制問題,理解其重要地位及重大意義,進而深入研究和 建築工程造價預算控制問題,在具體的工作實踐探索和尋找建築工程造價預算控制的新途徑 新方法,切實解決建築工程專案實施過程中所遇到的工程造價問題,確保工程造價得到有效控制及工程建設目標...


摘要 在建築工程行業裡,造價超預算一直是工程建設中比較突出的疑難雜症,嚴重時甚至會導致一些工程造價的失控,工程投資效益也因此會大大降低。為此,本文根據本人多年工作經驗詳細對專案中造價超預算的幾大主要原因進行了分析,對合理的控制對策進行了闡述。關鍵詞 建築工程 超預算原因 控制對策 中圖分類號 tu7...