新標準英語 一年級起點 第5冊

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module 4 unit 1 can you run fast?



本課內容選自外語教學研究出版社出版的《新標準英語》小學版(一年級起始用)第五冊module4 abilities unit1 can you run fast?該教材在培養學生的英語語言能力的同時,以素質教育為核心,以提高學生的全面素質為根本目的,開發學生的潛力,培養他們的創新精神。本課的主題是abilities,學習用英語詢問別人能幹的事,學習說自己的會做的事情,以及了解與體育運動有關的知識,並能談論與此有關的話題。





1. 教學手段:多**軟體

2. 教學方法:五環節教學法,情景法,任務型教學法






instructional design for module7 of new standard english (book5)

topic: can you run fast?

designer: zhu weiqing from wanjiezhaoyang primary school

module 4 unit 1 can you run fast?



①會聽、說、讀can, winner, jump, far, see puddle。

②能夠掌握並運用句子①can you …? yes, i can. / no, i can』t.詢問別人是否會作某件事情。

③根據老師的提示引導,能夠用「i can…/ i can』t…」這樣的句型描述自己會做或不會做的事情。






can you …? yes, i can. / no, i can』t.」


根據老師的提示引導,能夠用「i can…/ i can』t…」這樣的句型描述自己會做或不會做的事情。




step one: warm-up


2. 利用遊戲複習體育運動類片語。

t: simon says: sing dance play football play basketball read a book play the flute row a boat jump run等等。


step two: presentation


t: today we』ll make a survey to find who can run fast/jump far and so on. now we』ll learn the unit 1.

2 run & run fast

t: boys and girls, can you run? put up your hands.

ss: (put up their hands)

t: do the action, please.

ss: (do the action)

t: very good. all of you can run. but can you run fast? (呈現新單詞fast)

t: all of you can run. but can you run fast? (呈現新單詞fast)

look at me , run/ run fast (t做動作,以區別run & run fast,並操練2---3次,讓學生明白二者的區別)

…t: well, can you run fast?

ss: yes, i can./ no, i can』t.

t: well, a, you can run fast.

b, you say you can run fast.

a, you come here. b, you come here.

let』s see. who can run fast?(a和b比賽看誰跑得快。

拉著贏的學生的手,…is winner. 引出新單詞winner. t教讀,抽讀,學生**車讀,分組讀,齊讀等。

並練習句子「i』m the winner」,加上誇張的動作。)

3 jump & jump far

t: boys and girls, can you jump?

ss: yes, i can. /no, i can』t.

t: who say 「yes」, put up your hands.

ss(put up their hands)

t: well, can you jump far? (呈現新單詞far。t教讀,t抽讀,學生**車讀,小組讀,齊讀等)

ss: yes, i can. /i can』t.

(找2個回答「yes, i can.」的學生比一比看誰跳得遠。其他的學生就問can you jump far?

這2個學生回答後就比賽誰跳的遠。對著跳得遠的學生說「… is the winner.」)

4 the text.(sb p14)

t: some of you can run fast. some of you can』t jump far.

how about sam and amy, do you know? now, let』s see.(匯入課文的學習,出示sam和amy的頭飾,貼到黑板上。

)(1)listen and answer. can sam/amy run fast? can sam/amy jump far?

can sam run fast? yes, he can.

can amy run fast? no, she can』t.

can sam jump far? no, he can』t.

can amy jump far? yes, she can.

can sam swim? yes, he can.

(2) look and match.(看掛圖,並結合課文,把片語卡片移到相應的地方。)

sam頭飾canrun fast


amy頭飾canjump far

(3) listen and repeat.(聽磁帶跟讀課文。)

(4) read by themselves.

(5) read in pairs.

(6) act in front of the class.

step three. review the words.

a game---good luck or bad luck?

t: sam can run fast. sam can』t jump far.

amy can jump far. amy can』t run fast.(教師指著圖示,帶領學生一起說這個句子。)

how about you? what can you do or can』t do?

(此環節為拓展環節,是讓學生從本節的詢問別人會幹什麼,延伸到要求學生用「i can…」 「i can』t…」句型介紹自己會做的事情或者不會做的事情。學生說對了,就從黑板上選乙個單詞,如果寫著can就可以得到貼畫,如果是can』t就不能得貼畫。)

step four 填寫調查表。

t:some students say 「i can play football.」 some students say 「i can』t swim.」

how about your classmates ? now, look at this piece of *****. this time, i want you to ask your classmates and fill the blank, use the sentence 「can you…?



module4 unit 1 can you run fast? yes, i can.

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