
2023-01-27 23:00:07 字數 1661 閱讀 5166



【摘要】 目的:**超聲引導下腎活檢技術的臨床應用價值及意義。方法:




【關鍵詞】 超聲引導; 腎活檢; 臨床應用【abstract】 objective:to explore the clinical value and significance of ultrasound guided renal july 2013 to july 2015,90 cases of ultrasound guided percutaneous renal biopsy were selected as the research objects,the success rate of drawing materials,pathological findings and postoperative complications were analyzed success rate of drawing materials for all patients was 100%.pathological results showed,mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis was 46 cases,glomerular sclerosis was 22 cases,focal stage hardening glomerulonephritis was 19 cases,iga nephropathy was 12 cases,lupus nephritis was 5 cases,allergic purpura glomerulonephritis was 6 cases,membranous nephropathy was 1 case and minimal change glomerulopathy was 1 postoperative complications were found in 12 cases,which 6 cases of private prosecution h**e backache and lumbago,2 cases of patients presented with gross hematuria after self regression,4 cases of appearing puncture needle bleeding,the rate of adverse reaction was 13.

3%.conclusion:ultrasound guided renal biopsy is a safe and effective secondary screening method,with a high success rate and fewer complications,it is worthy of clinical promotion.


目錄公司簡介 3 一 系統設計目的 4 二 系統工作流程 5 三 車位引導系統原理 6 四 超聲波車位引導系統優勢 7 五 系統功能 7 5.1引進智慧型停車場場內引導系統資料對比 7 5.1.1尋找車位時間節約15分鐘以上 7 5.1.2行駛里程減少45 以上 8 5.1.3有害氣體排放減少50 ...


優化 研學案 是構建高效小學數學課堂的乙個重要手段。在 研學後教 教學理念下,我校構建了 問題引導 高效課堂 的數學科教學模式,在對研學案的編制 使用原則及實踐過程中容易走入的誤區進行了探索。研學案 問題引導 設計原則 誤區 我校在 研學後教 理念下,構建了 問題引導 高效課堂 的數學科教學模式。研...


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