
2023-01-25 04:33:04 字數 3816 閱讀 3275




聽說課section a 1a- 2d

第2 課時

learning goals

talk about how to ask about prices; using 「how much is …; it is… 」. 「how much are…;they are…」talk about clothing; offer help.(目標引領,通過實際問題解決引出本節課的知識、能力、和情感目標。


look at page 37and page 38, put the following into english orally, then write them down without looking at the test.

1. 褲子

2. 短襪


4. 鞋

5. 裙子

6. 短褲

put the following into chinese.

1. how much is this t-shirt

2. it is seven dollars

3. how much are these socks

4. they are two dollars


warming up and leading in熱身匯入

show some photos of clothing. ask about prices; talk about clothing.

how much is this sweaterit is ten dollars.


presentation and practice.

learn 1a.

look at the picture below. and match the words with the things in the picture.

1 socks ______ 2 t- shirt3. shorts4. sweater______

5 bag________ 6 hat7 trousers_______ 8shoe ______9 jacket________

learn 1b.

listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in1a.

listening for the general idea 聽取大意

listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.

a. asking the prices of the clothes b. clothes the colors

the main idea of the conversation is to talk about_______.

listening for the specific ideas 聽取細節

2a listen and repeat.


red black green white blue yellow purple brown

1. tom』s shoes are2. mary』s sweater is _____

2b. listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.


students listen and discuss the answers with their partners.

show their answers first and check their answers by themselves.

post-listening activities聽後活動

look at activity 2e. fill in the blanks.


mary: yes, please, i need a sweaterschool.

woman: okdo you want?

mary: blue.

woman: how about this one?

mary: it looks nice. ______ is it?

woman: nine dollars.

mary: i』ll take itthose yellow socks?

woman: two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.

mary: great! i』ll take two pairs.


mary: thank you.





inquiry into knowledge by translation


1. can i help you

2. i need a sweater for school

3. it looks nice

4. how much is this t-shirt

5. it is five dollars

..結論: can i help you?是同義句為


how muchbe動詞根據主語用_______ or




3. 給你


the end-of class test 堂檢當測

一. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。

1. they ______ (be) five yuan.

2. hoe much are ______(this) shorts?

3. how much are thesweater)?


inquiry into knowledge by translation

how much is this red i –shirt? can i help you? here you are.

the end-of class test

are these sweaters


亮點:1, 本課的匯入。通過學生日常生活中實際存在的問題及解決的方法引出本節課的重難點及學法的指導。

2, 本課的聽力訓練。讓學生帶著問題去聽,通過聽取大意和細節,掌握聽力的技巧及做題方法,並結合生活實際去加強鞏固練習,解決了聽力難的問題,提高了做題的準確率。

3, 本課的情感教育的自然滲透。 通過談論提出問題和給出建議,培養學生解決問題的能力,團結同學,熱愛祖國的大好河山 ,努力學習,保護環境使我們的國家更和諧。

4, 翻譯**。加強了對所學知識的鞏固,解決了本節課的重難點。




散步 是七年級上冊的一篇體現著濃濃親情的課文,文章記敘了一家三代四口人在野外散步的 生活細節 表現出一家人之間的互敬互愛的真摯感情,體現了中華民族尊老愛幼的傳統美德。七年級的學生正處於發展獨立思維的重要階段,他們的主動性和求知慾都已大大提高,不再喜歡被動地接受知識,已初步具有自主 合作 學習的能力。...


散步 是七年級上冊的一篇體現著濃濃親情的課文,文章記敘了一家三代四口人在野外散步的 生活細節 表現出一家人之間的互敬互愛的真摯感情,體現了中華民族尊老愛幼的傳統美德。七年級的學生正處於發展獨立思維的重要階段,他們的主動性和求知慾都已大大提高,不再喜歡被動地接受知識,已初步具有自主 合作 學習的能力。...


第二十四章圓 知識回顧 1.圓的定義 在乙個 內,線段oa繞它固定的乙個端點o 另乙個端點a所形成的 叫做圓。這個固定的端點o叫做 線段oa叫做 以o點為圓心的圓記作 讀作 2.由圓的定義可知 1 圓上的各點到圓心的距離都等於 在乙個平面內,到圓心的距離等於半徑長的點都在 因此,圓是在乙個平面內,所...