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one must make regular practice.

不定式短語的邏輯主語決不是regular practice,為了把邏輯關係表達清楚,要麼把不定式短語改成if one wants to improve his writing skill,要麼把主句改成one must make regular practice.


例 10

a) with the computer, one can do shopping, banking and read at home.

b) with the computer, one can do shopping, banking and reading at home.

can do shopping, banking and read at home, 用語法平行結構來衡量,用動詞原形 read是不妥的,為了和 do shopping, do banking 保持結構上平行,接下來的乙個內容要用do reading.

例 11

a) nowadays, people not only eat enough food, but also eat better.

b) nowadays, people not only eat more, but also eat better.

用 not only...but also, both...and, whether...

or, either...or, as well as, along with等能連線兩個成分的連詞,前後兩個成分在結構上要保持一致。用 eat enough food, eat better不如用 eat more, eat better,都用副詞。

例 12

a) participating in sports is good for our physical health, and through it we can also train our character.

b) participating in sports is good for our physical health, and it is also beneficial to our character-training.



例13a) sometimes teachers will inform students of the he**y burden they h**e to bear.

b) sometimes a teacher will inform students of the he**y burden he has to bear.

they 即可指代teachers, 也可指代 students,明顯的是指代不清。其實只要把其中乙個名詞變成單數,用he和 they分別代不同的名詞,就清楚了。因為 a teacher也可泛指所有教師。

例14a) someone believes that the teacher's task is to give students knowledge, which may not be true.

b) someone believes that the teacher's task is to give students knowledge, a notion which may not be true.

which指代什麼不清楚,指 knowledge,還是指前面整個句子?如果指 someone believes,最好用 a notion或an idea歸納一下整個句子的意思,然後引出從句。

例15a) people h**e been fighting against the influence of tv commercials, but it often proves useless.

b)people h**e been fighting against the influence of tv commercials, but the effort often proves useless.

it 指什麼?如指influence,則在 it often proves useless 這個句子中顯然不通。寫作人知道it指人們的努力,但effort 這個詞前面沒有出現過,就不能用it。

6. 相鄰的句子,是否避免了不必要的結構轉變

例16a) while we reduce the number of vehicles, the speed of traffic can be increased.

b) while the number of vehicles is reduced, the speed of traffic is increased.


例17a) each of us may take a part-time job to help support ourselves, but if you spend too much time on it, your study will be affected.

b) each of us may take a part-time job to help support ourselves, but too much time spent on it, our studies will be affected.

前半句用each of us和ourselves,後半句卻用you和 your study,應一致起來。


例18a) tv presents us with many useful informations.

b) tv presents us with a lot of useful information

還有evidence, advice, knowledge等都是不可數名詞,都不能用複數。另外, many, a great number of, another, few 等只能與可數名詞配用。而a great amount of, a great deal of, less, much, 等應與不可數名詞配用。

例19a) ****** our cities greener is not an easy work.

b) ****** our cities greener is not an easy job.

work 用作可數名詞是"作品"這類意思,而表示"工作"時,不可數。同樣,在 word has been sent out that those who cheat on exams will be punished.這個句子中,要用單數word表示"資訊"。

例20a)each people has his own opportunities.

b) each person has his own opportunities.

people作"人民"、"人們"解時,是集體名詞,不能與each配用。 a people或 peoples表示民族、國家。在正式語體中也不能說 less people,而應說 few people。


例21a) book knowledge is important, but we should also learn something in the society.

b) book knowledge is important, but we should also learn something in society.

用定冠詞the, 是特指意義,而這裡沒有這個特指意義。同樣,在when i was in the high school, i always h**e a beautiful picture of the college life 中,兩個the都應去掉。

例22a) if there were no electric power, we would h**e to do everything by the hands.

b) if there were no electric power, we would h**e to do everything by hand.

表示用手 (by hand), 走路 (on foot), 上課 (in class), 上學 (go to school), 住院 (at hospitable)等,都不用定冠詞。

例23a) if there were no electric power, factory would stop producing goods, car, bus and train would stop running.

b) if there were no electric power, factories would stop producing goods; cars, buses and trains would stop running.

用可數名詞時,要麼前面有冠詞(the, a, an)或代詞(his, her, my), 要麼以複數形成出現。不能像中文名詞那樣沒有語法變化。


例24a) tv now plays an important role in our daily life, because we cannot live without it.


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