
2023-01-10 04:15:05 字數 2452 閱讀 7006


李慶欣 2012.3.22


let』s chant.

school days, school days. what a lot of fun!

read in the library. draw in the art room.

eat in the canteen. play in the gym.

school days, school days. what a lot of fun!

preview: t: i can see many flowers in it. where is it?

s: in the garden.

t: i can eat some rice. where is it?

s: in the canteen.


where do we water the flowers ?

where do we read story-books?

where do we h**e computer classes ?


t: i can play listen and stick

t : the washroom is on the second floor .(let one boy or one girl come to the blackboard and stick the pictures)

t: the library is on the fifth floor.

t: the canteen is on the third floor......

t: the gym is on the fourth floor......

computer game. where is it?

s: in the computer room.


李慶欣 2012.3.22

1. 知識技能目標

(1) 能夠聽、說、認讀本課時主要句型:is this the library? is that the art room? 及其肯定與否定的回答並能在實際情境中運用。

(2)能夠識別句型:is this …? 和is that …? 的不同的用法並在真實的情景中運用。

2. 情感文化目標

(1) 培養學生的觀察力、想象力及與人交流、合作的能力,激發學生積極地發散思維。

(2) 通過語言交際活動,使學生產生用英語交流的積極情感。

3. 需要準備的資源: 1、課件** 2、錄音機磁帶 3、頭飾。





教師說乙個句子,如:i can see many flowers in it . where is it ? 讓學生判斷是什麼單詞,然後做出正確的回答。


let』s learn

(1)學生表演a部分let』s do的「聽聽做做」活動,

表演之後教師提問:where do we water the flowers ?

where do we read story-books?

where do we h**e computer classes ?



let』s play

(1)教師將一幅教學樓的框架圖貼在黑板上,讓兩名學生站在講台前配合。教師說:the washroom is on the second floor.

讓學生在講台上選出washroom的詞卡,並將它貼在正確的地方,速度快的學生為勝者,或者教師提問:where』s the library?學生快速搶答:

it』s on the first / second floor .[童趣學習網] (2)教師把貼在黑板上的六張圖卡分別翻過來並打亂順序,用手覆蓋住單詞,用手覆蓋住單詞向學生提問:where is the washroom?

讓學生回答,借鋪墊句型:is this / that the……?

在講台前配合。教師說:the washroom is on the second floor.

讓學生在講台上選出washroom的詞卡,並將它貼在正確的地方,速度快的學生為勝者,或者教師提問:where』s the

library?學生快速搶答:it』s on the first / second floor .

(2)教師把貼在黑板上的六張圖卡分別翻過來並打亂順序,用手覆蓋住單詞,用手覆蓋住單詞向學生提問:where is the washroom?讓學生回答,借鋪墊句型:

is this / that the……?



1、make a map of our school.

2、act the story time.

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