五下2 2導學

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unit 2 my f**ourite season

period two


2.能夠聽說讀寫句型:which season do you like best?

summer. i can go swimming everyday!學會詢問他人最喜歡的交際用語。

3.能夠聽懂會說let』s learn&read and match的內容,並根據實際情況運用本課重點句型詢問他人最喜歡的季節以及在每個季節可以做的事情,表達每個季節的特徵。4.


一. review to understand.(溫故知新)

read the chant. (試著讀讀下面的歌謠,然後說給你的同桌聽。)

it』s rainy and cold.

put on your hat.

it』s windy and cold.

put on your coat.

it』s sunny and hot.

take off your jacket.

it』s sunny and hot.

take off your cap.


match the words with the pictures.(詞語連線,二人小組大聲拼讀。)

yellow redblack green white

brown purple pink blue orange

三.self check(自學檢測)

look at the pictures and write the words.(看圖,補全句子。)

1. i likebest.

2. 1. i likebest.

3. my f**ourite season is

4. my f**ourite season is


put the words in right orders.(連詞成句,注意標點和大小寫。)

when, do, class, your, you, morning, the,in (?)

you,best,season, like (?)

i,school,to,go,seven, usually( .)

you, what, on, weekend,the (?)

i, winter,much,very (.)

五.expanding practice.(拓展延伸)

talk about your f**ourite season.(與同伴聊聊你喜歡的季節吧。)

my f**ourite season is….i can….


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