
2021-07-13 23:56:24 字數 3534 閱讀 2145

teaching aims:

知識技能目標: let』s learn—walk, skip, swing,climb

let』s talk—what can you do? i can …



main points:

1、學生能夠用英語表達相關的動作。(walk, skip, swing,climb)

2、學生能夠掌握情態動詞can 所引導的問答句,並表達自己和他人會做的事情。


difficult points:

教學方法:tpr /communicative / pair work

materials: ppt , pictures, flash





step i:

1、 greeting. (日常用語對話)

t: good morning, boys and girls. how are you?

s: very well. and you?

t: i』m fine ,too.

s: how is the weather ?

t: it』s……

s: what day is it today?

t: today is…… are you happy today?

s: yes, i』m happy.

t: let』s sing a song.

step 2、sing a song 「walking」

step 3、free talk.

t: i can run. what can you do?

s: i can …….


t: it』s a sunny day. let』s walk to the park. ok?(呈現park**)


step 4、new words

1、walk (直接呈現**)

t: i can walk in the park.

teach how to spell and pronounce the word.

drill it team by team. 「walk, walk. i can walk.」

then read the words: al tall small wall walk ball

t: please don』t walk on the grass.


2、skip (實物)

t: look. what』s this? it』s a skipping rope. (read it together)

t:i can skip. (tpr)

teach how to spell and pronounce the word. then drill it one by one. 「skip, skip.

i can skip.」

t: can you skip?

s2: yes, i can skip.(讓一名學生到台前跳繩)let』s count.

t:he/ she can skip …..times.


t:please guess what i can do?

yes, i can swing.

teach how to spell and read the word. then drill it one by one. 「swing, swing.

i can swing.」

t: lets』 chant.

swing, swing. swing on the swing. i can swing on the swing.(say it together)


t: look. i can ……climb.

teach how to spell and read the word. then drill it one by one. 「climb, climb.

i can climb.」

t: don』t climb the tree. it』s too dangerous.


step 5、game

1、what』s missing?


2、let』s chant. act it out in pairs.

walk , walk. i can walk.

skip, skip. i can skip.

swing, swing. i can swing.

climb, climb. i can climb.


step 6、dialogue

t: i can swing. what can you do?(邊呈現**邊讓學生回答i can …)

stop –go game.

t: hello, what can you do?

s1: i can …….

what about you?

t: i can …….

practice it in pairs. then act it out.


step 7、flash

watch the flash, answer what the frog can do.

step 8、free talk

t: hello!

s: hello!

t: how is the weather?

s: it』s a sunny day. let』s go to the park.

t: great! what can you do in the park?

s: i can skip. can you skip?

t: yes, i can skip. let』s go./ no, i can』t skip.i can climb.

practice the dialogue in pairs.



1. listen to unit 4 twice.

2. ask your friends and parents 「what can you do?」.


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