
2021-07-12 23:27:43 字數 4924 閱讀 7321

unit 5 lesson 9 road safety



本節課所教授的是福建教育出版社出版的《英語》第七冊第五單元第九課,本課的核心話題road safety 道路安全,講述了警察叔叔mr yang來到學校為同學普及有關道路安全的知識。通過學習本課,讓學生對道路安全知識有進一步的了解,使學生在實際生活中能更好的運用這些交通知識。


本課主要句型: you must…和you mustn』t…


課文:mr. yang is talking to the students about road safety.

p: policeman

ss: students

p: good afternoon, boys and girls.

i』m going to talk about road safety.

where can you cross a street?

who can answer this question?

ss: at the zebra crossing.

p: right. you must look right and then left.

when the light is green you can go.

you must walk quickly.

you mustn』t ride a bike on the zebra crossing.

you mustn』t play on the zebra crossing.

is that clear?

ss: yes, thank you, mr. yang.


本課的教學物件為六年級的孩子,他們從三年級開始學習本套教材, 已掌握了一定量的詞彙與句型,已具備一定的語言知識和語言綜合運用能力,能聽懂常用的指令和要求並做出適當的反應,能認讀所學的詞語和句子並在指導下稍加運用。


我認為在課堂教學過程中,僅僅教會學生學會運用這節課所呈現的單詞(road safety, cross a street, zebra crossing)與句型(you must… you mustn』t…)是不夠的,還應當從中西方文化差異入手,從實際出發,使學生在學習過程中體會中西方部分國家交通路況的差異,並能學到我們日常生活中所能用到的交通安全知識,真正做到學以致用。

在複習部分,我主要採用九宮格的遊戲,讓學生猜單詞,並用這些學過的單詞組詞或造句,由此引出本課所要學習的單詞和片語。在課文匯入部分,我利用多**展示多幅**,由學生判斷其正誤導出本課的主題:road safety。




1.知識目標:掌握本課新詞:road safety, cross a street, zebra crossing。

2.能力目標:能將you must… 和you mustn』t…在實際情景中進行運用。




本課的重點是掌握road safety, cross a street, zebra crossing三個片語,以及you must… 和you mustn』t…兩個主要句型。難點是將這兩個句子運用到實際生活中。


step 1: 熱身: chant. (2遍)


red is stop, stop, stop, stop.

yellow is wait, wait ,wait ,wait.

green is go, go, go, go.

step 2: 複習單詞及片語:

1. 考考你:

(ppt閃現以下單詞:play, road, street, left, right, ride, walk,cross, zebra.

1) 各組搶答所看到的單詞,並拼讀,拼讀時出現這個單詞的中文意思。

2) 九宮格: 將剛才出現的單詞中文意思打在臺頭,讓學生猜單詞並組詞。



s1: left ss: turn left.

s2: street ss: on the street.

s3: right ss: turn right.

s4: road ss: on the road.

s5: walk ss: walk quickly. walk slowly.

重點複習walk quickly:

(用手勢複習walk quickly, walk slowly)

t: ( i do the action and say): walk quickly, walk slowly. (twice)

t: (get the students do and say)

複習後,將walk quickly卡片貼在黑板上。

s6: play ss: play football, play basketball, play table tennis.

s7: cross t: cross a street.

重點複習cross a street:

(cross操練法:公升降調;cross, cross, cross a street; times; one by one)

複習後,將cross a street卡片貼在黑板上。

s8: ride ss: ride a bike.

ss: zebra t: zebra crossing.

重點複習zebra crossing:

(zebra操練法:公升降調;crossing, crossing .. zebra crossing; times; one by one)

複習後,將zebra crossing貼在黑板上。

(教師根據剛才各組組詞造句的表現給表現優秀的組別加分,引出zebra crossing之後,教師指著今天所呈現的評價告訴大家):

t: this is a zebra crossing. g3 is at the zebra crossing.

g1、g2、g4 are on the zebra crossing.


at the zebra crossing. (在斑馬線旁)

on the zebra crossing. (在斑馬線上)

(ppt閃現兩幅圖,一幅為at the zebra crossing.一幅為on the zebra crossing.讓學生對這兩個單詞有個更深刻的印象)

step 3: 匯入.


t: today we』re going to talk about road safety. (道路安全)

follow me: lesson 9 road safety.

(safety操練法—公升降調,can you spell it? 將單詞遮蓋起來,讓學生根據發音規律拼讀單詞 )

(road safety操練法: safety ,safety ,safety, road safety; times; one by one)

t: today we』re going to talk about road safety.

can you say something about these pictures? you can choose one picture and say. (呈現四個**,由學生來說)



t: (picture 3) what』s he doing? ss:

he』s riding a bike. t: is it right?

ss: no..

t: (picture 4) what are they doing? ss:

they』re playing. t: is it right?

ss: no.

t: (picture 2) where is he? ss: he』s on the zebra crossing.

t: (picture 1) where is he? ss: he』s at the zebra crossing.

t: look at the picture 1. there is not a traffic light.

how can you cross a street? you must look left and then right.

我們應該先左看看,再右看看,這是我們中國的習慣,因為我們的車輛是靠右行;而在英屬國,車輛是靠左行;so, you must look … and then ….

(ppt中呈現句子:you must look left and then right.)

板書must: (must:公升降調,大中小聲).

t: you must look left and then right.


t: look at the picture 2. when the light is green, you can … you must (用手勢提示大家) walk quickly.

(ppt中呈現句子:you must walk quickly.)


林軒如 摘要 英語單詞教學是小學英語教學的首要重點難點環節,攻克好單詞關才能保持學生學習英語的激情,保證英語學習的順利進行。本文通過單詞與圖形,動作,聲音結合 單詞與發音規律結合 單詞歸類 單詞與句子結合 單詞與遊戲結合等方面來總結概括小學英語單詞的教學方法。關鍵詞 閩教版小學英語 單詞 課堂教學 ...


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畫風 教學設計及教學體會 教學目標 知識與能力 1 會認7個生字,會寫12個字。2 正確,流利地朗讀課文,領會文中小朋友的創意。過程與方法 1.通過自由閱讀大致了解課文內容。2.通過有感情朗讀課文,感受兒童豐富的想象力。情感態度與價值觀 1.使學生懂得事物之間是有聯絡的,要勤於觀察生活,遇到問題要動...