冀教版初一 上 期末複習要點講解

2023-02-15 17:54:03 字數 4897 閱讀 8365



1. 詞型變化

a. 名詞複數



month—monthsteacher—teachers, 以s, x, o, ch, sh結尾的詞,在詞尾加-es.

class—classes, box—boxestomato—tomatoes

potato—potatoes, match—matches, dish—dishes

但photo—photos, piano—pianos


family—families, factory—factories , story—stories


knife—knives, leaf—le**es, 不規則變化:

child—children, foot—feet, tooth—teeth,

man—menwoman—women, b. 動詞的第三人稱單數形式。


play—plays, go—goesdo—does,

dress—dresses, watch—watches, brush—brushes,

wash—washes, fly—fliestry—triesh**e—has, 2. 代詞:

a. 要熟記各人稱的代詞的各種形式,見下表。

b. 形容詞性物主代詞只能作定語,因此其後一定有名詞;名詞性物主代詞相當於乙個名詞,其後不會有名詞。

例如:your book is on the desk , mine is in my bag .

c. some 和any,既可修飾可數名詞,又可以修飾不可數名詞,some用於肯定句,any用於否定句和疑問句。

he has some story books , but he doesn』t h**e any picture books .

there is some milk in the glass .

are there any chairs in the classroom ?

3. 介詞

我們主要複習一下介詞in, on, at在表示時間時的用法上的區別:


in 1996, in summer, in june ,


in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening


on monday, on july 1st, on sunday morning.

on the night of october 1st .

at用來表示時刻,例如:at 6:30 at 7:00

4. 名詞所有格


a. 單數名詞後加-』s,例如:

mary』s father, my sister』s room .

b. 兩個或兩個以上的名詞,只加乙個「-』s」,例如:

jack and jim』s room , mr. and mrs. carter』s house

c. 複數名詞後只加「』」例如:

the teachers』 office, students』 reading - room .

d. 如複數名詞不是加-s構成的,則仍加「-』s」例a children』s book, women』s day

5. 短語:



swimming pool , classroom building ,

beijing opera, a pocket - recorder


at beijing no.19 middle school , on friday, against the wall, 表語)形容詞短語

be good at, be interested in, be / get ready to do , be late for ……


h**e lessons , collect stamps , do shopping ,

help sb with sth, take care of , drive sb to.





動詞to be

動詞to h**e(有)

i work.

you work.

he/she/it works.

we work.

you work.

they work. i am (i'm)..

you are(you're)..

he/she/it is…

we are(we're)..

you are(you're)..

they are(they're)..

i h**e...

you h**e...

he/she/it has…

we h**e...

you h**e...

they h**e...




如果h**e不是表示有的意思,則都用助動詞do,does來構成否定式和疑問式。另外英國人口語常以h**e(has)got代替h**e(has);其否定式常以h**en't got 代替h**e not ,hasn't got 代替has not.



動詞to be

動詞to h**e

do i work?

yes,you do.

no,you do not.(don't)

do you work?

yes,i do.

no,i do not.(don't)

does he/she/it work?

yes,he/she/it does.

no,he/she/it does not.(doesn't)

do we work?

yes,we/you do.

no,we/you do not.(don't)

do you work?

yes,we do.

no,we do not.(don't)

do they work?

yes,they do.

no,they do not.(don't) am i...

yes,you are.

no,you are not.(you're not.或you aren't)

are you...

yes,i am.

no,i am not.

(i'm not)

is he/she/it...

yes,he/she/it is.

no,he/she/it is not.(he's/she』s it』s not)

are we...

yes,we/you are.

no,we/you aren't.(we/you aren』t. we』re/you're not)

are you...

yes,we are.

no,we are not.(aren't/we're not)

are they...

yes,they are not.(aren't/they're not) h**e i...

yes,you h**e.

no,you h**e not.(h**en't)

h**e you...

yes,i h**e.

no,i h**e not.(h**en't)

has he/she/it has.

yes,he/she/it has.

no,he/she/it has not.(hasn't)

h**e we...

yes,we/you h**e

no,we/you h**e not.(h**en't)

h**e you...

yes,they h**e

no,they h**e not.

do i h**e...

yes,you do.

no,you do not.(don't)

do you h**e...

yes,i do.

no,i do not.(don't)

does he/she/it h**e...

yes,he/she/it does.

no,he/she/it does not.(doesn't)

do we h**e...

yes,we/you do.

no,we/you do not.(don』t)

do they h**e...

yes,they do.

no,they do not.(don't)

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