
2023-02-01 18:00:04 字數 5126 閱讀 4980








型別1:s + v。 該句型中謂語動詞為不及物動詞,後面不可接賓語,但可接狀語或其他成分

例: nobody went out.

the children are playing.

we study hard.

型別2:s + v + o. 該句型中的謂語為及物動詞,後面必須接賓語,且只能接乙個賓語。

例:we love our country.

the old woman looks after the baby carefully.

he dreamed a terrible dream last night.

型別3:s + v + o(人) + o(物) 該句型中的動詞為雙賓語動詞,後面必須接兩個賓語。該類動詞主要有:

give, show, send, pass, lend, return, promise, owe; make, buy, do, fetch, paint, s**e, spare, find等

例:he g**e his sister the piano

he g**e the piano to his sister.

he bought his wife a coat

he bought a coat for his wife.

型別4:s + v + o + c 該句型中的謂語動詞後面必須接賓語,且還要用乙個補足語來補充說明賓語的狀態。

例:i found the book easy.

the teacher told us to study hard.

we heard him singing.

型別5:s + l + p 該句型中的l為系動詞,後常接表語。注意:1)該句型無被動;2)無進行;3)作非謂語時常用v-ing形式。

例:the flower is beautiful

he is a teacher.


1)變化系動詞:turn, become, grow, fall, get, go, come, run等

例:she becomes a lawyer.

she turns lawyer.

2)狀態系動詞:be, seem, remain, stay, stand, keep等

例:he always kept silent at meeting.

3)感官系動詞:feel, smell, sound, taste, look, appear等

例:the milk tastes sour.

the cloth feels soft.

4)終止性係動詞:prove, turn out等

例:his plan turned out a success.




the students worked very hard.

they are from america.

80% of the students in our class are girls.

to learn english is very difficult for us.

=it is difficult for us to learn english.

swimming in the lake is dangerous.

what he said is true




she practices speaking english every day.

the woman takes good care of the baby.

i h**e got rid of smoking.


you may go now.

he has caught a bad cold.

we are going to visit the old town tomorrow.


we are students.

she becomes famous.

the little girl is afraid of the snake.


it will be wasted.

he must be wrong.

we will be free tomorrow.


mary was seen to swim across the river.

they were expected to finish the work as soon as possible.



the young man has turned thief.

all of these are yours.

the flower is beautiful.

the film is moving.

we are moved by the film.

her job is to look after the baby.

my job is teaching english.

tom was out then.

the fact is that he passed the exam successfully.


he bought a new car.

the he**y snow prevented her from going to school.

she enjoys listening to music.

i don』t know how to get there.

i think that he is old enough to join the army.

5、賓補:英語中有少數及物動詞後除了接乙個賓語外,還必須有乙個賓語補足語對賓語進行補充說明,這樣才能使句子的意義完整,這類動詞被稱為「復合及物動詞」,常見的動詞有:make, consider, find, get, h**e, let等。

the boss made us work 14 hours every day.

we found the dog lying on the ground.

we painted our house white.

we found him killed the next morning.


she is a beautiful girl.

my book is old.

more than 30 students in our class are from abroad.

he is the first to come and the last to le**e.

the teaching building is under construction.

the girl in white is my sister.


she used to sit for hours quietly.

he has lived in the countryside for 20 years.

the tree is too tall for the boy to climb up.

encouraged by the teacher, she made up her mind to learn english well.

wherever you go, whatever you do, i will wait for you.


this is mr. zhou, our headmaster.

the question who should do the work is still in discussion.


to be frank, i don』t quite agree with you.



例:he made a promise, but he didn』t keep it.




1、順承並列句:表示兩個同等的概念,常由:and, not only…but also等連線

例:they talked happily, and they forgot to cook supper.

not only did the students sing, but also the teacher sings.


簡單句的五個基本句型 主語 不及物動詞she came 主語 及物動詞 賓語she likes english.主語 系動詞 主語補語 she is happy 主語 動詞 間接賓語 直接賓語 she g e john a book she bought a book for me.主語 動詞 賓語...

英語學習 英語句子成分的劃分及練習 必備

知識改變命運勤奮塑造成功 天才是百分之九十九的勤奮加百分之一的靈感 棄我去者,昨日之日不可留 亂我心者,今日之日多煩憂 句子成分 members of a sentence 什麼叫句子成分呢?句子的組成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,詞與詞之間有一定的組合關係,按照不同的關係,可以把句子分為不同的組成成分...


a句子成分 句子是由詞按照一定的語法結構組成的,表達乙個完整的意義。乙個句子一般由兩部分組成,即主語部分和謂語部分,這兩部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括賓語 賓語補足語 定語 狀語 表語等在句子中起一定功用的組成部分。主語 主語是謂語講述的物件,表示句子所說的是 什麼人 或 什麼事物 一...