Unit 5 My new room第一課時教學設計

2023-01-29 11:15:04 字數 4949 閱讀 7909


let』s start , a let's learn, let's play, let's chant


1. 認知目標

(1)聽說讀寫單詞:closet, curtain, mirror, air-conditioner

(2)熟練運用句子is this...? in my room i h**e a ...

2. 能力目標


3. 情感目標



1. 本課時的重點是掌握let's learn部分的6個單詞。

2. curtain、closet、air-conditioner的發音是本節課的難點。






step 1: warm-up ---- revise

1. pep3 unit 4 parta let』s do

go to the living room .watch tv

go to the study. read a book

go to the kitchen .h**e a snack

go to the bath room .take a shower

go to the bedroom .h**e a sleep

2. what can you see in zoom』s room?

教師拿出一把鑰匙 t: what』s this ?

s: keys

t: good!boys and girls ,this is our friend zoom』s keys , he has a new house ,so he is very happy , now , let』s open the door ,and h**e a look , ok?

s: ok ,let』 go

t: what can you see in zoom』s room?

課件出示乙個只有簡單的一些家具的zoom room.

s: i can see a desk ,a chair , a bed …

t: wonderful , in zoom』s house we can see many things, just like the desk ,chair ,the bed.


step 2: presentation

t: but ,now ,zoom tell me that he wants make his house more beautifu ,and he gives me some money to buy something new.

t: class ,help me think that what else should we buy?(做沉思狀)

(cai出示很多衣服)look, i h**e a lot of clothes. what should i buy?


cl-o-clo, s-e-t-set, closet.(按音節直拼,暗示發音及拼寫規律)

自編chant: closet, closet, open the closet.

we put these clothes into the closet,and the closet is full now!

the closet is full.

t: look at the closet. there is a mirror on it.


m-i-mi, rr-or-rror, mirror.

自編chant: mirror, mirror, mirror, clean the mirror.

the mirror is terrfic.

t: look at the window. how to make it beautiful?


c-u-r-cur, t-ai-n-tain, curtain.(課件出示**)

自編chant: curtain, curtain, close the curtain.

the curtains are blue.

t: are you tired? i'm very tired and hot. what things can make me cool?


air-air, c-o-n-con, d-i-di, tion-er-tioner, air-conditioner.(課件出示**)

自編chant: air-conditioner, air-conditioner, make me cool.

the air-conditioner is cool.

t: thank you, everyone. i h**e bought a closet with a mirror and some curtains.

please sit down please and h**e a rest.(課件出示一茶几,上面放著一些水果)

t: there is some fruit on the end table.

教授新詞:end table

e-n-d, t-a-b-l-e.

t: h**e some bananas please, and put the banana peel into the trash bin. (課件出示垃圾桶**)

教授新詞:trash bin

t-r-a-tra –s-h-sh, b-i-n.-bin

trash bin trash bin the trash bin is empty.



step 3: practice

activity 1: find your roommate找室友(學生之間個體活動)

t: look! my house is very beautiful now.

thank you so much. i prepare some presents for you! i will give you some new houses.

but every four students share one house. please look for your roommates who live with you.




s1: what's in your house?

s2: the mirror, the...

s1: oh, i h**e no... in my house, bye!

s3: do you h**e...?

s4: yes, we are together.


activity 2: design your new house設計自己的房子(學生小組活動)

t: now we all h**e found our roommates. but your houses are still empty.

please design your houses together. what do you h**e in your room? you can use the sentence:

in my room i h**e...

點選滑鼠,螢幕逐個出現「a trash bin, a mirror, an air-conditioner」

學生完成任務後上前展示作品,s1, s2, s3依次描述:

s1: in my room, i h**e a trash bin.

s2: in my room, i h**e a trash bin and a mirror.

s3: in my room, i h**e a trash bin, a mirror and an air-conditioner.

s4: ...



step 4: assessment


t: well done. now let's h**e a competition.

look at the apple tree. in each apple there is a question. you can get one point for your group if you answer it right.

now group 1, which apple do you like?

s: i like the red apple.


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