
2023-01-11 21:51:04 字數 1562 閱讀 9856



摘要: 本文在文獻總結和實地調研的基礎上,明確旅遊高職院校教學質量定義、特徵基礎上,構建了包括旅遊高職院校、旅遊企業(社會)、教育主管部門「三位一體」的教學質量評價體系統,其中,旅遊高職院校包括三個要素:教師評價、學生評價、督導評價;旅遊企業(社會)包括學生畢業院校、學生綜合素養、學生實習、學生實際工作能力四個要素;教育主管部門包括辦學指導思想、師資隊伍建設、教學條件及其利用、教學建設與改革、教學管理和教學效果六個要素,運用層次分析法(ahp)模型,測算旅遊高職院校、旅遊企業(社會)、教育主管部門及十三個要素的權重值,以期為更好地評價旅遊高職院校教學質量提供客觀的、綜合的、可操作性的方法。

abstract: based on the literature review and field research, the ***** clears the definition of teaching quality and characteristics of vocational college of tourism, establishes the "trinity" teaching quality evaluation system including higher vocational college of tourism, tourism enterprise (society) and education authority. there are three factors, such as teachers' evaluation, students' evaluation and supervisor's evaluation in higher vocational college of tourism; there are four factors, such as students' graduate school, students' comprehensive quality, students' internships and students' practice ability in tourism enterprise (society); there are six factors, such as guiding ideology of school running, construction of teacher team, teaching condition and its utilization, teaching construction and reform, teaching management and teaching effect.

it uses analytic hierarchy process (ahp) to measure the weight of thirteen factors of higher vocational college of tourism, tourism enterprise (society) and education authority, hoping to provide a objective, integrated and feasible method of teaching quality evaluation of higher vocational college of tourism.


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