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unit1 where』s your pen pal from?

第一課時(section a 1a —2 d)

一、 teaching aims (教學目的)

1. 檢查考完試後所學的單詞,鞏固學習新單詞。

2. 學習幾個日常交際用語,where,what引導的特殊疑問句。

二、 key points (本課重點)

1. words: pen pal, australia, japan, canada, france, the united states, singapore, the united kingdom, country, sydney, new york, paris, toronto, tokyo

2. where is your pen pal from? he』s from australia.

where does he live? he lives in. paris

3. where is john』s pen pal from ?

三、 teaching aids (教學方法)

using what you know, deducing。some cards with cities and countries.

四、 teaching procedures (教學過程)

step 1 greeting

t: good morning! s:…

t: let』s start now.

step 2 presentation

1. 教師讓學生合上書,認真聽老師與學生的對話,教師找一名學生與自己對話

t: good morning ! what countries and cities do you know?

( ss can speak in chinese.)

s: ………

learn the new words.

countries: china, australia, japan, canada, france, the united states, the united kingdom, singapore

cities: shanghai, sydney, tokyo, toronto, paris, new york, london, singapore

2. 同樣的方法,通過師生對話的方式引導出新句型,where are you from ? i am from china .

where 『s your pen pal from? he is from ……

step 3 practice

1. 同桌兩人練習,並交換角色操練

2. 老師在班內進行連鎖式提問,看看學生對本課內容掌握情況,隨時糾正學生出現的錯誤。

step 4 consolidation

1. listen and circle the countries in 1a , 2b,2c.

2. play a game: find the right cards with countries and cities .

3. 讓學生自己找搭檔,兩人一組編對話,然後表演。

s1: hello

s2: hello

s1: my name is ***. where are you from ?

s2: i am from ***. oh, where are you from ?

s1: where do you live ?

s2: i live in …… where do you live ?

s1: ……

s2: ……

step 5 summary

1. 讓學生總結所學內容

2. 預習下一節(section a 3a—4)


1. 熟練運用本堂課所學內容。

2. 自編對話,下堂課表演對話。

第二課時(section a 3a—4)

一、teaching aims

1. 繼續鞏固國家名稱及where引導的疑問句。

2. 新句型what language does she speak ?

二、 key points

1. what language do they speak?

2. what language does she speak ? she speaks ……

3. where is sydney ? (in) australia

三、 teaching aids

complete chart and dialogue

四、 teaching procedures

step 1 revision

1. free talk(用上節課所學過的知識組織對話)

2. check homework

step 2 presentation

1. 教師拿一組卡片,卡片上寫好國家的名稱和語言,讓學生們識別,哪個是國家,哪個是語言,慢慢的引導學生識別國家和語言,直到熟練。

2. 讓學生在練習本上寫好國家名和語言,然後運用what language do they speak ? what language does she speak ?

she speaks english where is shanghai ? (in) china . 進行問答。

step 3 practice

1. 同位之間各拿卡片問答,熟悉國家和語言.

2. 運用where is beijing ? where is london ? 同位之間或搭檔之間進行問答。

step 4 consolidation

what languages does he speak ? 他講什麼語言?

what language do/does + 主語+speak?這一句型用來詢問某人講什麼語言。注意:講某種語言用動詞speak,且表示語言的名詞前不加the .例如:

what language do you speak ? i speak chinese .

what languages does she speak ?

she speaks english and french .

step 5 summary

1. 總結本堂課所學內容。

2. 預習下一節(section b 1a—3c)


1. 掌握並熟練運用本堂課所學的內容

2. 自編對話,下堂課表演對話。

第三課時(section b 1a—3c)

一、teaching aims

1. listen 2a , 2b

2. learn a letter and write answers to the question

3. make an information card .

二、key points

1. does she h**e any brothers and sisters ?

2. where is she from ?

3. is that from your new pen pal ?

4. i like going to the movies and playing sports .

5. can you write to me soon ?

三、teaching aids


四、teaching procedures

step 1 revision

1. free talk(用所學過的知識組織對話)

2. check homework

step 2 presentation

1. i like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports . 我喜歡和朋友們一起去看電影和進行體育活動。

like doing sth 「喜歡做某事」 , 後接習慣性的動作,愛好等。

i like playing computer games .

do you like eating sea food ?

2. i can speak english and a little french . 我會說英語和一點法語。

表示會做某事,用帶can 的結構。can是情態動詞,必須和實義動詞一起構成謂語,不可以單獨使用。

can you play the guitar ? i can sing english songs .


step 3 practice

1. match the countries with the languages

2. listen 2a and 2b , number the questions

step 4 consolidation

fill in the blank.

(1) tis your pen pal from?

s: sheaustralia.

t: where _______ he _______?

s: hesydney.

(2) a: where __ john』s pen pal _____?

b: he』s ______ japan.

ab: he lives in tokyo.

(3) a: where ___ youb: ithe united states. a: where ____ youb: inew york.

step 5 summary

1. 讓學生總結本堂課所學內容

2. 預習下一節(self check)


1. 掌握並能熟練的說出本堂課所學的重點句型。

2. 能熟練運用本堂課所學的句型

3. 製作資訊卡片

第四課時 (self check)

一、teaching aims

1. 複習本單元所學單詞,補充新詞。

2. 描述學生,姓名,年齡,國籍,語言等。

二、key points

1. key word check。

imagine and describe the new students

for fun ! 輕鬆一刻


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