中考英語小題狂做專題19狀語從句 含2019真題回顧

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【2020】中考英語小題狂做專題19 狀語從句(含2015真題回顧)


【2020】【2020】中考英語小題狂做專題19 狀語從句(含20xx真題回顧)


【20xx龍東】( ) 14..—i don't know if sam ______ tomorrow..

—don't worry.. i will tell you as soon as he ______..

【20xx龍東】( ) 15..—i won't get good grades_______ i study hard

—that's ______ everyone is trying his best to prepare for the exam..

a.. until; why b.. unless; when c.. unless; why

【20xx龍東】( ) 20.. by the time i got back to school, the bell______..

a.. rang b.. has rung c.. had rung

【20xx廣元】19.. as soon as she ______ in cuangyuan, i'll tell her the news..

a.. arrivesb.. will arrive c.. arrive

【20xx黔南州】15.. i'm waiting for my friendi'll go shopping alone

【20xx南寧】34.. we h**e been friends

a.. last yearb.. one year ago

c.. since we met last yeard.. when we met last year

【20xx廈門】24.. –

a.. ifb.. thoughc.. since

【20xx**】41stop more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed..

a.. in order that b.. in order to c.. thanks for d.. thanks to

【20xx溫州】mr.. smith has a habit of taking a showerhe has breakfast..

a.. though b.. before c.. because d.. since

【20xx綏化】9.. if you ______ to the party, you will h**e a great time..

a.. gob.. will go c.. goes

a.. ifb.. whenc.. until

【20xx齊齊哈爾】( ) 29they were quite tiredthey continued working..

a.. thoughb.. although, butc.. because, so

【20xx哈爾濱】6the winter in harbin is rather cold, the city is still attractive to the visitors throughout the world..

a.. althoughb.. butc.. so

【20xx東營】22.. i love the airit rains because it smells fresh..

a.. since b.. afterc.. before d.. whenever

a.. ifb.. thoughc.. or

【20xx荊門】33.. –i』m afraid that i can't do it well

-you should believe in yourself.. you won't know what you can do ______ you try it..

a.. untilb.. ifc.. while d.. although

【20xx上海】33mike didn』t win the race , he was still wearing a smile on his face..

a) ifb) sincec) althoughd) because

【20xx海南】—how is nancy getting on with her lessons?

—she won』t catch up with others she studies harder..

a. after b.. unless c.. as soon as

【20xx陝西】27you smile at others, they will smile back

a.. beforeb.. whenc.. untild.. though

【20xx孝感】34.. we will go to tian』anmen square to watch the raising of national flag if ittomorrow..

a.. will rain b.. rains c.. doesn』t rain d.. won』t rain

【20xx六盤水】35.. if it , we will go hiking at cool city park..

a.. not rain b.. don』t rain c.. won』t rain d.. doesn』t rain


【20xx六盤水】39..---look! some people are running the red lights..

---we should wait others are breaking the rule..

a.. although b.. if c.. unless d.. because..


【20xx臨沂】20..tim cook called his mother every week even while he_______ around the world..

a.. was tr**eling b.. is tr**eling c.. tr**eled d.. tr**els

a.. although b.. since c.. until

【20xx河南】30we keep our hearts open, we can experience the happiness friendship

brings us..

a.. since b.. ifc.. unlessd.. though

【20xx荊州】28.. — where was your dad at this time last night?

—he was talking with my uncle i was looking for some information on the internet..

a.. after c.. until c.. since d.. while

【20xx襄陽】34.. --did you catch the first subway this morning?

---no.. i didn't.. it had started moving ______ i could get on it..

a.. before b.. sincec.. afterd.. as soon as

【20xx銅仁】23.. —you won』t pass the examyou don』t work hard.. —ok, i』ll do my best..

a.. and b.. but c.. if d.. so

【20xx廣東】36.. —sir, jenny wants to know when she can le**e the office..

中考語文小題狂做 名著閱讀

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