2019屆中考英語專題複習四 數詞 冠詞考點講解和訓練

2023-01-18 11:18:04 字數 4853 閱讀 6672








一. 冠詞的用法



1. 不定冠詞的用法

(1) a和an均用在單數名詞之前,表示某一類人或事物。例如:

john is a student.

mary is an english teacher.

(2) 指某一類人或事物中的任何乙個。例如:

a steel worker makes steel.

pass me an apple, please.

(3) 指某人或某物,但不具體說明何人或和物。例如:

a student wants to see you.

a girl is waiting for you outside.

(4) 表示「每一」的意思,相當於every。例如:

take the medicine three times a day.

they go to see their parents once a week.

2. 定冠詞用法

(1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。例如:

the book on the desk is an english dictionary.

beijing is the capital of china.

(2) 指說話人和聽話人都熟悉的人或事物。例如:

open the door, please.

jack is in the library.

(3) 上文提到過的人或事物。例如:

yesterday john』s father bought him a new bike. the bike cost him 200 yuan.

(4) 表示世界上獨一無二的事物。例如:

the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

(5) 用在序數詞和形容詞最高端之前。例如:

shanghai is the biggest city in china.

january is the first month of the year.

(6) 用在某些形容詞之前,表示某一類人或事物。例如:

the nurse is kind to the sick.

we should take good care of the old.

(7) 用在某些專有名詞之前和某些習慣用語中。例如:

the great wall, the summer palace, in the morning, in the open air等。

(8) 用在姓氏複數之前,表示「某某一家人」,「某某夫婦」。例如:

the browns, the whites等。

3. 不用冠詞的情況

(1) 某些專有名詞,抽象名詞和物質名詞前一般不用冠詞。例如:

china, canada, japanese, glass, water, love等。

(2) 名詞前已有作定語用的this, that, my, your, whose, some, any, no, each, every等代詞時,不用冠詞。例如:

that is my cap.

i h**e some questions.

go down this street.

(3) 複數名詞表示一類人或事物時,不用冠詞。

they are workers.

we are students.

(4) 稱呼語前不用冠詞,表示頭銜和職務的名詞前也不加冠詞。例如:

i don』t feel well today, mother.

bush was made president of the

(5) 三餐飯的名稱前,球類活動,學科和節目名詞前,常不用冠詞。例如:

i h**e lunch at home.

he often plays football after class.

we h**e english and maths every day.

(6) 在某些固定片語裡,名詞之前常不用冠詞。例如:

by air, at night, at home, go to bed, go to school, on foot, from morning till night 等。

二. 數詞的用法


1. 基數詞的用法

(1) 基數詞在句中主要用作主語、賓語、定語、表語、同位語,例如:

thirty of them are party members.(主語)

--- how many would you like?

--- three ,please.(作賓語)

the nine boys are from tianjing.(定語)

six plus four is ten.(表語)

we four will go with you.(同位語)

(2) 表示乙個具體數字時,hundred, thousand, million一律不用複數;在表示乙個不確定數字時則用複數。例如:

our country has a population of 1,300 million people.

there are three thousand students in our school.

after the war, thousands of people became homeless.

maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world.

they arrived in twos and threes.

(3) 表示「……十」的數詞的複數形式可用來表示人的歲數或年代,例如:

he is in his early thirties.

he died still in his forties.

this took place in 1930s.

(4) 表示時刻用基數詞。例如:

we get up at six.

the workers begin work at eight.


ten past ten,

a quarter past nine,

half past twelve

表示「幾點差幾分」用介詞to, 但分數須在半小時以上。例如:

twenty to nine,

five to eight,

a quarter to ten


seven fifteen,

eleven thirty,

nine twenty

2. 序數詞的用法


the first truck is carrying a foot baskets.

john lives on the fifteenth floor.


we'll h**e to do it a second time.

shall i ask him a third time?

when i sat down,a fourth man rose to speak.

(3)由幾個序數詞和基數詞在拼寫時不對應,很容易寫錯,應特別注意。它們是:one---first, two---second, three---third, five---fifth, eight---eighth, nine---ninth, twelve---twelfth。

(4)表示年,月,日時, 年用基數詞表示,日用序數詞表示。例如:

2023年十月一日讀作: october (the) first, nineteen sixty

2023年九月十日讀作:september (the) tenth, two thousand and four


three fourths,

one second,

two fifths


first→1st second→2nd

third→3rd fourth→4th



in our class can describe that place in english.

a. three-fifths b. three-fifth c. third-five d. third-fifths


_______ pounds a week? that』s very good.

a. hundred ofb. hundreds of

c. hundredsd. hundred

答案:d。該題考查的是數詞的用法。nine hundred是乙個具體的數量,這是數詞不能用複數形式,後面也不能加of。所以應選d。

3. we often h**e sports after class, and i like to play _______ basketball.


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