
2022-10-29 10:33:05 字數 4705 閱讀 5982




分值:120分時間:120分鐘命題人: 沙金海

★ 請注意:所有選擇題答案一律用2b鉛筆填塗作答,主觀題一律用0.5mm黑色簽字筆在答題卡上相應位置作答,否則無效。

第一卷 (共75分)

第一部分聽力 (每題0.5分,共10分)



1. when does the film start?

a. at 8:15b. at 8:30 c. at 10:15

2. what is the woman』s sister ?

a. a teacherb. a doctor c. a nurse

3. why was the teacher angry?

a. a student used his mobile phone in class.

b. a student didn』t do his homework

c. a student was sleeping in class.

4. what』s the weather like now?

a. it』s cloudy. b. it』s sunny. c. it』s raining.

5. what does the girl mean?

a. she doesn』t want to go boating.

b. she wants to go shopping with the boy.

c. she has a lot of things to buy.




6. what will the girl do tomorrow morning?

a. meet her sister

b. h**e two lessons.

c. look after her sister.

7. what does mary look like?

a. a girl with long brown hair.

b. a tall girl with brown hair.

c. a girl of medium build with glasses.

8. which is not mentioned about mary?

a. her clothesb. her arriving time. c. her age.


9. what is john doing on the computer?

a. watching the movie. .

b. looking for cards.

c. playing games.

10. how does the woman usually show her friendship and love?

a. by writing letters.

b. by ****** calls.

c. by sending messages.

11. what is the relationship between the two speakers?

a. mother and son.

b. teacher and student.

c. husband and wife.


12. where are they talking?

a. at peter』s home.

b. at the woman』s home.

c. at jack』s home.

13. which is not true about jack?

a. he is a pilot.

b. he has been to many countries.

c. he doesn』t like to wear sunglasses.

14. who is charlie?

a. he is jack』s son.

b. he is a dog

c. he is jack』s wife』s friend..


15. what does the man probably do?

a. a driverb. a policeman. c. a thief.

16. which is not mentioned by the woman?

a. her driver license. b. id cardc. some money.

17. where did the woman find her handbag missing?

a. in the coffee shop.

b. on the way home.

c. in the shopping mall..


18. what』s the next program about?

a. outdoor activities. b. musicc. famous persons.

19. what is the weather like this evening?

a. cloudyb. rainyc. cold.

20. which hasn』t the speaker planned to do?

a. h**e a picnic

b. go swimming.

c. go hiking.


第一節單項填空 (每題1分,共15分)

21. some scientists areabout his findings because there isn』t enough convincing data in his report.

a. scepticalb. casualc. curiousd. certain

22. the world will be different, and we will h**e to be prepared tothe change.

a. turn tob. adapt toc. vote ond. depend on

23. police are trying to find awitness who may h**e seen what happened.

a. sharpb. validc. vitald. stable

24. the young people ran around kicking a ballthemselves out.

a. woreb. to wearc. wornd. wearing

25. i've personally neverthe view that either *** is superior to the other.

a. let outb. come intoc. subscribed tod. contributed to

26. not onlyinterested in football butbeginning to show an interest in it.

a. the teacher himself is; all his students are b. is the teacher himself; all his students are

c. is the teacher himself; are all his students d. the teacher himself is; are all his students

27. it was for this reason ____ her uncle moved out of new york and settled down in a small village.

a. whichb. whyc. thatd. how

28. despite the rising costs of many products, bus fares in this city _______.

a. remain to be unchangedb. remain unchanged

c. is remained unchangedd. is remaining to be changed

29. he is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ______ in his lectures.

a. to interestb. interestingc. interestd. interested

30. the couple decided to _____ another two children who lost their parents in the disaster.

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