
2023-02-06 11:03:05 字數 3518 閱讀 9702

edwin: so, what about sri lankan food? what are some of the good dishes in sri lanka?


buddhi: what we eat every day, almost every day, is rice and curry, so lunch is usually rice and curry. curry will be usually spicy, and we eat lots of veggies, so we'll h**e like at least two or three dishes of different kinds of veggies, all cooked with different kinds of spices, and we h**e so many styles, and we'll h**e something fried as well along with green le**es, a dish that's a definite sri lankan lunch.


edwin: is it really spicy?


buddhi: the curry yes, but it depends, like at my house my dad loves a lot of spices in it, and my mom does cook a lot of spicy food, but she knows that i can't eat too much spice, so she makes sure that i can eat it as well, so it turns out to be really good, and one more i want you to know is roti. it's called roti, and you eat it with coconut sambol like.

it's a mixed coconut dish.


edwin: ah, so it's a bit sweet.


buddhi: no, no, it's spicy. we put a lot of chili powder and also maybe chicken or fish curry.

i love that. i love that. but the rhoti is actually made out of coconuts as well, but it's not sweet.

it's not sweet. and another one, called hopper. you need a special pan to make it, and you can eat it with egg in it.

also, like for an evening, you can put honey or sugar in it and make it the sweet way, and it will be like really yummy to h**e tea or something.





edwin: is that your personal f**orite?



edwin: i really don't like too spicy food. is there any sri lankan food that's not too spicy?


buddhi: of course we do. we do.

there's one called pitu. kids eat it with sugar and coconut milk, so that's not spicy at all. you can also eat it spicy if you want with some curry in it.

and we h**e a lot of sweet food. especially during the festivals. we cook a lot ...

we make a lot of sweets, sri lankan traditional sweets, so you really need to try them. i'm sure you'll like them.




edwin: yeah, i'm sure i will. so i guess you guys use a lot of coconut as well?


buddhi: we do. we do like curries, or whatever it is.

it has coconut in it. yeah, and lemon.



1. at least (數量)至少,不少於;

例句:it will take at least one month for the broken hone to hear up.


2. turn out (以某種方式)發生;最後是;結果是;

例句:he's a sensibleand clever boy, and ought to turn out well.


3. be made out of (由…)構成的;(由…)製成的;

例句:the boxes were made out of old planks.




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