
2023-02-01 15:51:06 字數 1465 閱讀 6694




摘要目的:**嬰幼兒維生素d缺乏性佝僂病的防治方法,即在服用維生素d3 400iu基礎上,是否需同時新增鈣劑。方法:


05)。結論:對於足月出生的健康新生兒,在嬰兒期只要保證攝入維生素d3 400iu,即能達到預防佝僂病的目的,無需額外補充鈣劑。


the prevention methods of infants with vitamin d deficiency rickets

jiao xitao,meng jing,zhang dongxu

the maternal and child health hospital of zhengzhou city,henan 450052

abstractobjective:to investigate the prevention and treatment methods for the infants with vitamin d deficiency rickets, whether to add calcium when took vitamin d3 healthy infants born at term were randomly divided into the observation group(****** add vitamin d3) and the control group(add vitamin d3 and calcium).we followed them for 6 months to observe the growth and development situation,the prevalence of rickets and the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d[25-(oh)d] and serum calcium levels at 6 months.

results: there were no significant differences in the development index,the prevalence of rickets,the 25-(oh)d and serum calcium levels of the two groups (p>0.05).

conclusion:for the full-term born healthy neonates,if we guarantee the intake of vitamin d3 400iu in infancy,which can reach the purpose of preventing rickets,so we need not add the calcium.


維生素d缺乏性佝僂病家庭健康 護理指導 疾病概述 維生素d缺乏性佝僂病簡稱佝僂病,由於鈣磷代謝失常,使鈣磷乘積下降,形成骨骺端骨樣異常堆積,骨的生長期停滯,扁骨發生同樣障礙。骨幹骨質疏鬆,受外力影響容易發生彎曲畸形,甚至病理性骨折。用藥指導 1 首先孕婦加強營養,多曬太陽,加服維生素和鈣片。2 新生...


本病是因維生素d缺乏致血鈣離子降低反致,表現為全身驚厥 手足肌肉抽搐或喉痙攣 三大臨床表現 等。一 和發病機制 本病是因維生素d缺乏致血清鈣離子濃度降低,神經肌肉興奮性增高引起的。引起血清鈣離子濃度降低的原因如下 1.甲狀旁腺反應遲鈍是主要因素。甲狀旁腺的作用是調節鈣磷代謝。值 ph值高時鈣離子降低...

維尊解答 維生素AD or維生素D

維生素ad or 維生素d 還記得小時候為了預防佝僂症,我們服用的一直是維生素ad 俗稱 魚肝油 可是到了現在,儘管很多醫院還給孩子開據維生素ad的藥品,但喜歡海淘的爸媽們會發現國外給孩子補充的更多是維生素d。那麼,維生素ad和維生素d有什麼區別,到底讓孩子補哪種更好呢?維生素ad和維生素d的區別 ...