
2023-01-25 11:24:05 字數 3550 閱讀 2938


ng ry 餓 – i am hungry(形容詞) 我餓了。


ch 午飯-let』s h**e lunch there. 讓我們在這吃午飯。

bur ger漢堡包-i 』d like a hamburger and an apple pie.我想要乙個漢堡包和乙個蘋果派。(『d =would)

喝- anything to drink?有什麼喝的嗎?

練習- i usually practice the violin.我通常練習拉小提琴。

打掃-i usually clean my room.我通常打掃我的房間

游泳池- i usuallygo swimming at the pool. 我通常在游泳池游泳。

飛行員-i want to be a p ilo t我想成為一名飛行員。

want to fly planes .我想開飛機。

工程師- i want to be an engineer


– i want to design spaceship.我想設計宇宙飛船。

want to be an artist我想成為一名畫家。

訪問- i am going to visit wonder land. 我打算去訪問溫德星球。

14.learn學習- i am going to learn chinese.我打算學習漢語。

澳大利亞-i am going to go to australia我打算去澳大利亞。

獸醫- my aunt is a vet.

mer農民- my uncle is a vet.

餵養-(see meet tea ) i 『ll feed the animals there.我將要去喂動物。

動物- she takes care of animals .他照看動物。

海邊--i am going to the beach. 我要去海邊。

tion假期-do you h**e good plans for the vacation.?

me check my list. 讓我來查查我的清單。

p44 清單- let me check my list.讓我查一下我的清單。(let sb do sth 讓某人做某事)

2,。raincoat雨衣- did you take your raincoat ?你帶雨衣了嗎?

3. be ready to do sth準備做某事- i』m ready to go. 我準備去。

4. camera照相機- who has a camera?誰有照相機?i h**e the camera .我有照相機。

to the airport去飛機場- let』s go to the airport.讓我們去飛機場。

p45 1 .ticket票——can i see your tickets,please?我可以看看你的票嗎?here you are.給你。

行李-are these three pieces your luggage?這三個是你的行李嗎?


1.驚奇的surprise –what a surprise

2.令人敬畏的 awesome-it is awesome

3.建築物buliding-1. can you see that white

building? yes ,i can.

第六課;雲彩- look at those clouds .看那些雲彩

溫暖的 -- it 』s warm and dry .天氣既暖和又乾燥

season do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個季節?

下大雨-it is pouring now.

溼的- i got very wet.我全身都濕透了

第七課發燒-i h**e a slight fever.我稍微有點發燒。

行星-wonder land was a wonderful


博物館 --we went to the museum, too.我們也去博物館了。

有趣的 ---there were lots of interesting

things. 有許多有趣的事情


1. snack bar-- there is a snack bar on the corner.在拐角處有家快餐店

pie –i 『d like a hamburger and an apple pie 我想要乙個漢堡包和乙個蘋果派

juice-four cokes and two orange


4. on the corner.在拐角-- there is a snack bar on the corner.在拐角處有家快餐店

for 尋找-i am looking for a snack bar.我正在尋找一家快餐店。

第二課 planes開飛機-i want to fly planes.我想開飛機。

7. design want to design spaceship.我想設計宇宙飛船。

hiking 遠足—sometimes i go hiking with my family.有時我和家人去遠足。

care of 照顧-she takes care of the


10. feed the animals餵養動物- i 『ll feed the animals there.我將要去喂動物。

chinese學習漢語-i am going to learn


第四課 pass登機卡-here are your boarding pass.這是你的登機卡。

to the airport去飛機場-let』s go to the


a picture 照相-i』ll take a picture of you. 我要給你照張相。

第五課 shop- where is the gift shop?禮品店在**?

left 向左拐-go straight one block and

turn left.向前走乙個街區在向左拐。

right向右拐--go straight two blocks and

turn right.向前走乙個街區在向右拐。

straight 直走- go straight one block and

turn left.向前走乙個街區在向左拐。

to 在。。。。。。。旁邊-it』s next to that

building .它在樓房旁邊。

front of 在。。。。。。前面- it』s in front of the

bookstore. 它在書店的前面。

第六課 of rain雨點-i felt a drop of rain.


out 出來-the sun is coming out .太陽很快就出來了。



2015新版pep五年級英語下冊期末複習資料 第一單元 一 重點詞彙。eat breakfast吃早餐 h e class 上 課 play sports 進行體育運動 exercise 活動,運動。do morning exercises早鍛鍊 eat dinner吃晚飯 clean my roo...


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