
2023-01-24 00:09:03 字數 4236 閱讀 5548




1. sales director is a position ____ communication ability is just as important as sales.(12重慶29)

a. which b. that c. when d. where

2. i wish to thank professor smith, without ____ help i would never h**e got this far.(12天津07)

a. who b. whose c. whom d. which

3. when deeply absorbed in work, ______ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping.(12北京26)

a. that b. which c. whered. when

4. in our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses.(12四川13)

a. in whomb. in themc. of whom d. of them

5. h**e you sent thank-you notes to the relatives from _ _ you received gifts? (12上海35)

a. which b. them c. that d. whom

6. it is the third time that she has won the race, ______ has surprised us all.(12陝西14)

a. that b. where c. which d. what

7. maria has written two novels, both ofh**e been made into television series.(12山東23)

a. them b. that c. which d. what

8. care of the soul is a gradual process _____even the small details of life should be considered.(12湖南34)

a. whatb. in whatc. whichd. in which

9. a lot of language learning, has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.(12安徽29)

a. as b. it c. which d. this


1.thosethe progress they h**e made will h**e greater success.(content)


who are not content with

2. the typical caseswill be introduced to readers to warn them of potential risks. (cheat) (2023年湖北七市州高三四月聯考)


where\ in which customers are cheated

3.in space the astronauts will h**e to face the circumstances on the earth. (train)


in/under which they are /h**e been trained

4. the company produces a lot of mobile phones annually ,andto honkong.(sell) two thirds of them are sold to hong kong本題不是定語從句,但可以作為乙個特例講解


5. (湖北09,80)learning strategies, toimportance, h**e not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach) which (the) teachers attach


6. (湖北08,33)the cityis very hot and damp in summer. (grow)

我長大的城市在夏天又熱又潮濕。where/in which i grew up

7. my mother was so proud of allthat she rewarded me with a trip to beijing. (do)(2023年湖北高考77)that i had done


8many times, 「serve the people」 is our first policy. (stress) (2023年湖北高考80)as i h**e stressed


9. (11湖北黃岡統考)i』ll go back to the placeand live there forever. (bring) where i was brought up


10. (11湖北八市三月調考)my sistersyesterday, will come to see us this evening. (show) whose pictures i showed you


11. (10湖北武漢武昌五月調研)yesterday we listened to a speech made by the professorimproving agriculture. (aim)

昨天我們聽了一場教授的演講,他的研究旨在改善農業。whose research was aimed at

12. an earthquake destroyed his housefor twenty years. (live) (2023年武漢四月調研考試) where /in which i had lived


13. five students were absent from the meeting這是老師很生氣). (make)(2023年湖北武漢部分學校聯考)

五個學生缺席會議,這使老師很生氣。which made the teacher very angry

14in my last lecture, we can make our dreams come true by working hard. (mention ) (2023年湖北五市聯考) as i mentioned


15. there were two small rooms in the houseof which served as the

kitchen.(small) (09年武漢市四月調考) the smaller


16. john couldn』t stay in the house, whichpaint)

(09年武漢市四月調考) is being painted


17to everybody, the moon tr**els round the earth once every month. (know) (2023年武漢市四月調考)as is known


18. john said he』d been working in the office for an hourtrue) (2023年武漢市二月調考)


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