
2022-12-10 20:51:05 字數 1927 閱讀 4663



unit 2(part d)


1.能熟練運用what』s in /on /near…?there』s/ there』re… 的「there be句式」的特殊疑問句的問答。

2.初步掌握there be 的否定句式:there isn』t / aren』t…; there is / are no…。並圍繞there be句型進行簡單的交流和運用。


1. t:what』s on the desk? (a bottle of water)

s:there』s a bottle of water on the desk.

(t:take away the bottle of water.)

s:there isn』t a bottle of water on the desk.

t:what』s on the desk? (a toy bear)

s:there』s a toy bear on the desk.

(t:take away the toy bear.)

s:there isn』t a toy bear on the desk.

只要有be動詞的句子,加not就可以變成否定句:is / am / are + not

單數名詞句型:肯定:there is a / an (n.單) +地點在…有乙個…

否定:there is not a / an (n.單) +地點在…沒有乙個…

there is no (n.單) +地點

2. t:how to translate「在操場上有一些籃球/足球/排球」?

s:there are some basketballs/ footballs / volleyballs on the playground.

t:what about「在操場上沒有一些籃球/足球」?

s:there are not any(/some糾正) basketballs / footballs.

注意:some用於肯定句中,而any用於否定句中。同樣,我們還可以用there are no basketballs on the playground.

複數名詞句型:肯定:there are some …s +地點在…有一些…

否定:there are not any …s +地點在…沒有一些…

there are no …s +地點

改句:there are some flowers in the garden.

s:there are not any flowers in the garden.

s:there are no flowers in the garden.

不可數名詞句型:肯定:there is some / lot』s of +不可數名詞

否定:there is not any +不可數名詞

there is no +不可數名詞

改句:there is some water in the bottle.

s:there is not any water in the bottle.

s:there is no water in the bottle.

3. look at part d

first look at the picture one

(想要寫作業,可沒有筆)we should say:there isn』t a pencil .or there is no pencil.

(給你一支筆)here』s a pencil for you.

what about picture two & three & four? two minutes, talk with your partner, and then tell me how to say them.

4.homework:練習冊part d


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2.觀察分析。在這個階段,教師既是各種資訊的收集者,又是冷靜的批判者,同時也是經驗的描述者。首先,教師要圍繞所要反思的問題,通過查閱文獻 觀摩研討 專訪等形式,廣泛地收集資訊,特別是關於自己教學活動的資訊。然後,教師要以批判的眼光反觀自己,分析產生這個問題的原因以及他人在解決這個問題時的經驗與教訓。...


根據教務主任下達的指示,為了快速有效地提高我校高年級段的數學老師的教育教學能力,有序開展教學技能培訓工作,特定制此方案。一 指導思想 以新課程理念為指導,以提高教師業務水平和教育教學實踐能力為重點,通過集中培訓 自學引領 分級指導 檢查考核等手段,努力激發參訓教師在師德修養 文化業務和專業成長等方面...