use your five senses教學設計

2022-12-03 13:00:05 字數 2690 閱讀 9279

unit 4 use your five senses 教案設計



1. 掌握重點句型: i do something with my ……

2. 能靈活運用句型表達自己的想法。

3. 能運用已有的知識解決生活中的問題,提高學生綜合語言運用能力。




一、 warm up

review the sensese: eye,ear,hand,tongue,nose.

t: touch your ears . the students do actions.


二、 presentation

1、 show the box and ask: what』s in the box? please guess.

a. listen to the sound ,lead out the word: bell t:

how do you know? which sense do you use? to elicit:

i listen and hear with ears. distingusish the words: listen and hearpractise the word:


b. t:please listen and hear.

oh , i don』t know, then, let』s smell. oh, that』s an oranget:how did you get it .

can you hear? yes, i smell with my nose. practise the word:


c. taste the orange. t:

is it sweet: is it sour? how do you know?

lead out the sentence: i taste with my tongue.

d. ( gloves) hear and smell. oh ,let』s touch.

lead out the word: touch. practise :

i touch and feel with my hands. distingusish the words: touch and feel

e. (chocolate) hear,smell,touch,oh,no,let』s look at it. lead outh the word:

look and see. practise : i look and see with my eyes.


2. practice

a. read the main sentences.

b. game: match the verbs and nouns.

s1: see

s2: eyes.

c. let the students remember the sentences as quickly as you can.


3. drill

a . talk about the use of hands.

t: what do you want to do with your hands?

to elicit: i touch the desk with my hands.

i feel the book with my hands.

b. use the other senses to make the sentences in groups.

i can read books /watch tv/see the flowers with my eyes.

i can smell the flowers/food with my nose

i can hear the bird/tiger/bell with my ears.

i can taste/speak with my tongue.


choose the four water, let the students guess the things.

wine warm water sweet water salt water

make the signs. to paste them.

三、 homework.

1. write the sentences twice.

2. give the students some phrases:

eye for eye 以牙還牙

hand in hand手拉手

face to face面對面


unit 4 use your five senses 教學設計



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