
2022-12-01 04:42:05 字數 4936 閱讀 3701


test 13

1. you are reading too ____ for me to follow.

a. rapid b. fast c. quick d. swift

2. _____ the expression on her face when she hears the bad news.

a. recognize b. realize c. notice d. observe

3. she ____ the old, worn-out cushions with new ones.

a. renewed b. restored c. replaced d. substituted

4. his ____ to the request was a firm 「no!」

a. answer b. reply c. response d. return

5. those are the main wine-growing ____ of australia.

a. areas b. regions c. zones d. quarters

6. we could see smoke ____ from chimneys.

a. raising b. lifting c. rising d. mounting

7. when she opened the present she g**e a little ____ of delight.

a. shout b. cry c. scream d. yell

8. it』s a kind of ____ sand*****.

a. tough b. rough c. rude d. raw

9. the wounded man was ____ to a hospital.

a. dashed b. rushed c. charged d. sped

10. during world war ii, tea was ____ and was rationed.

a. uncommon b. deficient c. scarce d. lack


1.(b)這四個詞都可用於表示運動的速度。rapid強調動作本身迅速的程度,如:a rapid current(急流),a rapid thinker(乙個思路敏捷的人)。

fast常強調運動的物體本身的速度,持續一段時間不間斷,如:a fast train(快車)。quick多指輕快的動作,尤指行動發生在瞬間或短時間內迅速反應,如a quick jump(乙個急躍)。

swift常指動作矯健,不費力,如a swift runner(乙個矯健的跑步者)。該題的意思是「讀得太快使人無法跟上」,所以用fast,既能表示讀得太快,又能表示不間斷得朗讀動作。


notice the scratch on the wood beside the lock.(注意看鎖旁邊木頭上的那塊劃痕。)而observe則強調要人注意看將要出現的過程,如句中所表示的意思:


3.(c)renew指使任何已死亡、腐朽或解體的東西具有新的特徵和活力,如:renew his life(使他獲得新生);又指喪失了活力或力量的人或事物變成彷彿新的一樣,如:renew our old friendship(重續舊誼)。

restore一般指恢復到原來或初始的狀態中,如:restore him to health(使他恢復健康)。replace和substitute都表示「代替,取代」,但用replace時的句型是replace b with a,而用substitute表示同樣意思時的句型是substitute a for b, 所以該句應用replaced。

4.(b)answer可指用來回覆乙個問題的任何言語或行動,如:a prompt answer to a letter(及時的覆信)。reply指以適當的陳述形式對某一問題作出的回答。

response指對刺激的反應或對某一要求的回答,如:a response to a cry for help(對呼救的反應)。return指返回原處,如:

his sudden return(他即刻返回)。題中的意思是以「no!」的陳述形式對請求的回答,所以用reply。

5.(b)這四個詞均有地區的含義。area指「周圍有明顯界限的區域」,可用作指圖表上固定的、明確的區域及指明確限定的地方,如:a green and fertile area in a desert(沙漠中綠色的肥沃的地方)。

region也指「固定的地方或者地區」,這些地區以一定的特點或以一定的條件或影響與別的地點有所區別,如:the upper region of the sea(海水的上層)。zone指「一小片或者圈起來的一片地區」,特別是在圖表上圍起來的地方,如:

the economic development zone(經濟開發區)。quarter指「(城市裡的)區」,如:residential quarters(居民區)。


6.(c)raise和lift是及物動詞,都表示「把。。。從較低位置移到較高位置上」,如:raise one』s hand(舉手);lift a large stone(抬起一塊大石頭)。

rise是不及物動詞,用於物時,指「公升入空中」,或指「隆起,向上伸展」等,如:smoke rising quietly from chimneys(炊煙從煙囪中慢慢上公升)。本題就表示這種意思。

mount多指向上攀登或連續不斷的上公升過程,如:a lark mounting to the skies(雲雀展翅飛上雲端)。




9.(b)dash作及物動詞時作「使猛撞」解,如:he**y w**es dashed the boat against the rock.(巨浪使船猛撞在岩石上。

)rush作及物動詞時作「急送」解,題中的主語是「傷員」,to a hospital是地點狀語,所以用rush是適合句意的。charge作及物動詞時作「控告、索價」等解。如:

he was charged with negligence of duty.(他被指控失職。)speed作及物動詞時作「促進、加快。。。

的速度」解。如:he sped the car through the streets.


10.(c)uncommon指某事一般不發生或不被發現,因而就顯得獨特、異常或不尋常,如:smallpox is now uncommon in most parts of that country.(天花在那個國家的大部分地區都很罕見。

)deficient指「欠缺的」,如:that person is deficient in courage.(那人缺乏勇氣。

)scarce指「缺乏的、不足的、供不應求的」,如:some commodities are scarce in wartime.(戰爭年代有些商品極缺。

)題中指的是二戰時期茶葉供不應求,需要定量配給,所以要用scarce。lack作及物動詞用時作「缺乏、沒有」解,通常不用於被動句中,所以應該說:they lacked tea during world war ii.

test 14

1. of those wounded in the battle, only three ____.

a. persisted b. survived c. lasted d. endured

2. because of modern ____, we h**e a much higher standard of living.

a. skills b. technique c. technology d. machinery

3. the speaker』s ____ will be 「today』s it.」

a. subject b. theme c. topic d. argument

4. some jews of the second generation abandoned their parents』 religious ____ and way of life.

a. tradition b. manner c. practice d. custom

5. they had ____ in his ability to survive the crisis.

a. confidence b. reliance c. trust d. dependence

6. you must change your ____ to keep up with the times.

a. worth b. costs c. expenses d. values

7. this is ____ of being remembered.

a. worth b. worthy c. worthwhile d. necessary

8. that maths problem has ____ me.


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