必修3 3單元檢測 教師版。

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必修三 unit 3 the million pound bank note


一. 單詞拼寫--根據句意和首字母完成句子。(10分)

1. his parents died and he wasup (撫養) by his grandparents.

2. the japanese are used to bto each other when they meet.

3. the little girl swhen she saw a mouse running by her feet.

4. it was really難以置信的) that he fell off the truck without being hurt.

5. it is hard to imagine that she should be so粗魯的)to an old lady.

6. the first場景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre.

7. it is good禮貌) to give your seat to an old man on the bus.

8. in order to keep his money safe, he opened an賬戶) with the bank.

9. we are not pto swim in the river. it』s too dangerous.

10. after three hours of waiting for the train, our pfinally ran out.

1. brought 2. bowing 3. screamed 4. unbelievable 5. rude

7. manners 8. account 9. permitted 10. patience

二. 單項選擇(30分)

1. —how do you find the guy who took ________office last week?

—he』s always finding________ fault with others.

a./;a   b.the;a

c./;/  d.the;/

解析: 句意為:——你覺得上週就職的那個人怎麼樣?

——他總是找別人的茬。take office就職;find fault with sb.找某人的茬,兩者均為固定短語,故兩個空均不填冠詞。

答案: c

2. .—i probably shouldn』t h**e any more cake.

—oh,______.it won』t kill you.

a.go ahead b.hold on,please

c.you』re welcome d.that』ll do






3. be careful when you surf the internet. if you download a virus into your computeryou will not open your files.

a. on purpose b. by accident

c. at random d. on **erage

答案與解析 b 句意:上網時要當心。如果你無意中把病毒**到了電腦上,那麼檔案就打不開了。

on purpose「故意地」; at random「任意地;隨便地」; on **erage「平均;按平均數計算」。

4. though________to stop playing computer games many times,the little boy just turned a deaf ear and fixed his eyes on the screen.

a.urgingb.being urged

c.urgedd.h**ing urged

解析考查省略句。由於從句的主語與主句的主語一致,且從句中有be,所以省略了從句的主語和be。句子補全為though(he was)urged to stop playing computer games many times。

答案 c

5. (2013·山東四市聯考)thein suzhou and hangzhou in spring is attractive.

a. view b. scenery

c. scene d. sight

答案與解析 b 句意:春天的蘇杭,景色宜人。view指從高處或遠處看到的風景; scenery泛指乙個地方的風景,是不可數名詞; scene「場景;一幕」; sight「視力;乙個地方的名勝」。

6. (2013·濟南模擬)i found jane________at the desk,________her homework carefully.

a.seated;doing  b.sitting;does

c.be seated;does  d.sit;do

解析: 句意為:我發現簡坐在桌旁認真地做作業。

seat為及物動詞,用法為be seated或seat oneself,所以jane後可接seated或sitting作賓補;doing her homework carefully是現在分詞短語作伴隨狀語。

答案: a

7. 「i don't think it is mythat the computer went wrong. i just turned it on, and that's all,」 said the boy.

a. error b. manner

c. fault d. shortcoming

答案與解析 c 句意:我認為電腦壞掉不是我的過錯。我開機後,它便如此。

error強調違反某一標準做的錯事,包括道德上的錯誤。 特指文字、檔案不符合標準,也指行為偏離出軌。 fault「過錯;失誤;過失」 ;fault指人性格上的弱點或行動上的過失,往往強調其應負的責任。


it's my fault that we are late.我們遲到是我的錯。

8. —do you know how i can________him?

—on his mobile phone.


解析考查動詞詞義辨析。learn 學習;得知;reach 到達;抵達;此處指聯絡;seek尋找;touch觸控。

答案 b

9. lily didn't ask her father to buy a car for hershe bought one for him!

a.what's moreb.on the contrary

c.to be honestd.in a word


句意為:莉莉沒有要求父親給她買車;正相反,她給父親買了一輛。what's more「而且」;on the contrary「正相反」;to be honest「實話實說」;in a word「簡言之」。

10. (2013·陝西西安名校第五次模擬)our bad living habits will destroy the by changing________we live can we s**e the earth.

a.that  b.what

c.how  d.where

解析: 考查賓語從句。根據語意「只有改變我們的生活方式,才能拯救地球」。和分析句子結構可知,how引導賓語從句並在賓語從句中作方式狀語,所以選c。

答案: c

11. (2014·武穴中學月考the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all aspects of life, putting pressure on all individuals.

a. in spite of b. by means of

c. on account of d. for lack of

答案與解析 c 句意:由於生活節奏加快,競爭在生活的各個方面越來越激烈,給所有人增加壓力。on account of「由於;因為」; in spite of「儘管」; by means of「憑藉;依靠」; for lack of「由於缺乏」。

12. can you tell me the______by which i can solve the complicated problem?

a.method b.way

c.manner d.means



13. when the book was first______,it was immediately well received by readers.

a.brought up b.brought down

c.brought about d.brought out

解析:bring out出版。brought up提出;brought down轉入下頁;brought about引起。


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