必修一單詞總結教師版 1

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unit 2 book 1

1.官方語言an official language

2.國旗national flag

3.說英語的國家english-speaking countries

4.英語在世界上廣泛使用english is widely spoken in the world.

5.英語口語/書面語spoken/ written english

6.例如a和bsuch as a and b

7.美式英語與英式英語的區別 the differences between british english and american english

8. 筆直朝前走go straight ahead

9.不止乙個more than one

10. 與……不同be different from

11.做一次航行make a voyage/voyages

12.因為粗心because of carelessness

13.在16世紀末at the end of the 16th century

14.比以往任何時候要好better than ever before

15.即使even if/though

16.問題被提出questions came up.

17.走過來come up to…

18.本地語native language

19. 一邊喝咖啡一邊聊天chat over coffee

20.實際上actually/in fact/ as a matter of fact

21.以……為基礎be based on…

22.與其說聰明不如說幸運more lucky than clever

23.現如今at present/at the present time/ nowadays

24.豐富詞彙enrich its vocabulary

25.好好利用make good/full use of…

26.發生happen=come about

27.前者,後者the former…, the latter…

28.身份證an identity card (id card)

29.許多,大量a number of

……的數量the number of

30. 期望be expected to do /expect sb to do

31.只有時間能夠證明only time will tell.

32.流利地說英語/說流利的英語speak english fluently/speak fluent english

34.命令/要求某人做某事command /request sb to do sth

command /request that sb (should) do sth

35. 做某事的原因是…… the reason for (doing)sth is that…/ the reason why … is that…

36. 信不信由你believe it or not

37.沒有象……的事物there is no such thing as…

38.在早期in the early days

39.人們說話的方法the way(that/in which) people speak

40. 臨近城鎮neighbouring towns

41.在……起重要作用play an important part /role in sth./doing

42.從乙個地方到另一地方from one place to another/ from place to place

43.與……一樣the same…as…

44.在拐角處 ; .即將來臨be around the corner

45.簡而言之,總之in short/in a word

46. 口音accent

47. 頻繁地(的frequently =often(adv.) / frequent (adj.)




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