
2022-10-15 14:42:03 字數 2566 閱讀 8301


( ) white what

( ) thank feather

( )3. whale wheel why

( ) tie expensive


( ) you h**e any socks?

a. they're thirty yuan.

b. yes, we do.

( )6. what size do you want?

a. size 30, please.

's too big.

( )7. how much are they?

a. ten yuan.

b. they are ten yuan.


8. do you h**e any shirt?

9. the shoes is too small.

10. they are fourty yuan.


( )1. farm heart park

( ) sad leg

( )3. star arm shark

( )4. jeans sweater cheap


( ) 5. is it in the water?

a. yes, we do.

b. no, it isn't.

( ) are they looking for?

a. it is under the rock.

b. my shoes.

( )7. where are my socks?

a. they are on the floor.

b. it is in the box.

( )8. where is the fox?

a. it is behind the rock.

b. they are behind the flowers.

( ) 10. where is the post office?

a. it is fifteen yuan

b. it's near the supermarket.

( )11. where are you?

a. i am at the train station.

b. it is next to the toilet.

( )12. where are you now?

a. you are in front of the zoo.

are in front of the market.

( ) is the river?

a. they are near bobby's house.

b. it's near bobby's house.

( ) you like pandas?

a. yes, i am.

b. yes, i do.

( )7. what does your father do?

a. he is a policeman.

b. she is a pilot.


11. when is your coat?

12. it is on front of the tree.

13. where are the flower?


( )1bird nurse farm

( ) nut skirt

( )3. whale wheel who


a. hospital b. swimming pool c. library station

( )1. you swim here.

( )2. you read books here.

( )3. you can see policemen here.

( ) can see doctors and nurses here.

( )5. you can see many animals here.


( ) a. who b. where

( ) a. hurt

( )

( ) a. not


b. policeman

( ) in a hospital.

( ) animals.

( ) catch a thief.

( ) cap is too big. i want a _____ one.

北師大版四年級上冊 六單元

四 上 六單元方寸世界 班級姓名 d n hu ng b xi q n sh hu ng zh o q p ng b g s ng y u l n j y u c j n xic n l n n ng g ng qi o ji ng xi d i ji xi ji n du n q ji n g n...


北師大版小學數學四年級上冊第一單元 知識點 一單元 大數的認識 數數知識點 1 認識數級 數字 計數單位,並了解它們之間的對應關係。2 十進位制計數法。相鄰兩個計數單位之間的進率是十。3 數數。能一萬一萬地數,十萬十萬地數,一百萬一百萬地數 億以內數的讀法 寫法知識點 1 億以內數的讀數方法。含有個...


班級姓名 一 基礎知識 一 根據意思寫出恰當的詞語,填在括號裡。1 引人進入美好的境地。指山水 風景 文學作品等特別吸引人 2 親自到了那個地方 3 形容聲音突然停止 4 形容善於說話,使人愛聽 二 根據課文內容填空 孔子是時代的家,一生教過的學生有人。孔子的教育思想是對中國的教育事業產生了深遠的影...