
2023-02-08 12:00:02 字數 1274 閱讀 1023



【摘要】 目的:**脊髓栓系症候群(tethered cord syndrome,tcs)的mri徵象,結合分型判斷其診斷意義。方法:



【關鍵詞】 脊髓栓系症候群; 磁共振成像; 脊髓圓錐

中圖分類號 r445.2 文獻標識碼 b 文章編號 1674-6805(2014)30-0038-03

the mri manifestations and clinical of tethered cord syndrome/xie qiang,lei hai-hua,ding shu-min,et al.//chinese and foreign medical research,2014,12(30):38-40

【abstract】 objective:to explore the mri signs of tethered cord syndrome(tcs),combined with the classification,to determine its diagnostic cases of mri manifestations of tethered cord syndrome were retrospectively cases of tcs conus medullaris low was 19 cases,mri scans indicated in the spinal cord filum terminale enlargement in 17 cases,filum terminale,horsetail adhesion in 11 cases,lumbosacral vertebra,lumbar sacral canal dysplasia in 7 cases,expression was lumbar spinal canal narrowing or canal lipoma(fat) 8 cases,lumbar fur sinus in 2 has good tissue resolution,is the preferred tethered cord syndrome check method,can provide accurate imaging for the diagnosis and operation data.


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2 2 對急性腎功能衰竭患者在首次透析及誘導透析時,在透析1h後及透析結束時分別常規給予50 葡萄糖60 100ml 有糖尿病者給予3 氯化鈉40 60m1 補充血液中溶質濃度,可有效的防止失衡症候群的發生。2 3 對低鈉血症者採用高鈉透析液有預防效果。2 4 危重患者在透析時應及時給予02吸人,防...