
2023-02-05 22:00:03 字數 1785 閱讀 7096

為了強調英語句子中的某一成份,強調方式是多種多樣的,現將它們歸納如下,以供參考。 1.用形容詞「very」,「single」等表示強調 army fought a battle on this very spot.

紅軍就在此地打過一仗。 not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然沒有乙個人來過辦公室。

2.用反身代詞表示強調 myself will see her off at the station. 我將親自到車站為她送行。

you can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好這件事情。 3.

用助詞「do」表示強調 baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a cold. 那孩子的健康狀況尚好,但就是偶爾患感冒。 do be told you i had a headache.

務必安靜,我告訴過你,我頭疼。 4.用副詞「very」,「only」,「even」,「too」等表示強調 drank it to the very last drop.

他把它喝得一乾二淨。 only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 只有用這樣的方法我們才能消滅敵軍。

he didn』t answer even my letter. 他甚至連我的信都未回。 i will too go!

我要去的! 5.用「……and that」,「……and those」,「not.

……too much」,「否定加否定」等結構表示強調 fulfilled the task,and that in a few days. 他們在幾天內完成的就是那項任務。 i g**e her some presents,and those the day before yesterday.

前天我送給她的就是那些禮物。 i can』t thank you too much.我無論怎樣感謝你都不過份。

i am not unfaithful to you.我對你無比忠誠。 6.

用短語「in every way」,「in no way」,「by all means」,「by no means」,「only too」,「all too」,「but too」,「in he**en」,「in the world」,「in hell」,「on earth」,「under the sun」等表示強調 beh**iour was in every way perfect. 他的舉止確實無可挑剔。 by all means take your son with you.

你一定要把兒子帶來。 the news was only too true. 這訊息確實是事實。

it was over all too soon! 此事的確了結得很快! where in he**en were you then?

當時你到底在**? nobody under the sun would buy that car. 確實沒有人會買那輛車。

7.用倒裝句表示強調 he is!他的確不誠實!

in wine is the truth. 酒後吐真言。 8.

用強調句型表示強調 was the headmaster who opened the door for me. 正是校長為我開的門。 it was yesterday that we carried out that experiment.



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