閱讀與寫作 2

2023-01-27 04:42:02 字數 2546 閱讀 3085


home is the cradle of growth for every love my happy and warm and dad love me in every possible way ,so that i deeply appreciate the warmth of home.


likethis picture,father is like the tall and stout trees whoshadeand protectthis home of ours. moreover ,he take care ofmy mother and treeis likean umbrella to support a beautiful blue sky for ou***mily.


mother is just like the roots of tree to absorb a lot of moisture transmission which give the young tree. mother always praise and care me.

樹葉凋落在大樹的腳下 ,融入土壤,化作養料,繼續養育這棵小樹。至始至終,大樹的根、莖、葉,都為小樹效忠,為它而活著,細心照料它。我們的爸爸媽媽也何嘗不是這樣呢?

the le**esof thetreesat the foot,into thesoil,intofood,continue tonurturethe young beginning to end,the root,stem and leaf of big treetake good care ofthe young and mother alsoare just like this,aren』t they?



i am the fast growing tree--- the hope of parents, to grow into stout tree in the future . the trees can grow to repay their upbringing. the only thing we can do now is to study hard, don't let mom and dad worry about.

like the trees, in the distant future, we will use our sincere heart and love to return to our parents.

good morning, dear judges. today my topic is a warm family.

in the picture, father is like the stout trees that shelter and protect our home, care for my mother and father don』t h**e the chance to go home every year , but know that my father has been work hard for our would want a phone call when i miss father , and my father always show loving care for me , i know my father's care and love has never been reduced.

mother often try hard to manage the family. she deal with the transaction of the family . my mother take care of me in every possible way and encounter problems in learning, my mother and i always analyze and solve problems, so my grades h**e been among the best.

i am like the sinking fast-growing trees to grow into stout tree to protect parents in the future. now what i can do is to study would not let mom and dad worry.

in the distant future, i will use my achievements to reward my parents.



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