
2023-01-16 14:24:02 字數 3676 閱讀 4251



一、聽錄音,選擇符合錄音內容的**,將其編號寫在橫線上。念兩遍。(每小題2分, 共10分)

1. my bed is soft. i like it very much.

2. taste the juice. it』s sweet.

3. the moon is high in the sky. how beautiful!

4. --are they cherries or grapes?

--they are purple. they are grapes.

5. --look at the shadow! what is it? --it』s an elephant.

keys: 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f

二、聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的單詞、短語或句子,將其編號寫在題前的括號內。念兩遍。(每小題2分, 共10分)

1. the book is thick. there are one thousand pages.

2. --how does it smellit smells nice.

3. at noon, the sun is high in the sky.

4. mum, wait a minute! you run too fast.

4. --is it peach juice or pear juice? -- it』s peach juice. it』s sweet.

keys: b a c b a


1. touch your desk. how does it feel?

2. is it a pen or a pencil?

3. h**e some biscuits. how do they taste?

4. it』s round and sweet. it feels hard and smooth. what is it?

5. your room is big and beautiful. what a nice room!

keys: a b b a b

四、聽錄音,判斷下面各圖的意思與錄音內容是否相符,相符的寫 「a」,不符的寫 「b」。念兩遍。(每小題1分, 共5分)

1. what a nice cake! there are some strawberries and mangoes in it.

2. the piggy eats some watermelons. it is happy.

3. the sun goes down in the evening. the shadow is short.

4. --touch the pineapple. how does it feel? -- it』s soft. it』s smooth too.

5. --look at the shadow. can you guess what it is?

--is it a rabbit?

--that』s right.

keys: a a b b a

五、聽對話,判斷下列句子與對話內容是否相符,相符的寫 「a」, 不符的寫 「b」。念兩遍。(每小題2分, 共10分)

-- hi, peter! touch this book. how does it feel?

--hi, alice! it』s very thin.

-- can the dog get the grapes on the tree?

-- no, it can』t.

--how does the lemon juice taste?

--it』s sour but yummy.

--do you like white or black?

--i don』t like them.

--the girl can』t see anything.

--i』m sorry to hear that. we should help her.

keys: a b a b a

六、聽一篇短文,判斷下列句子與短文內容是否相符,相符的寫 「a」, 不符的寫 「b」。念兩遍。(每小題1分, 共4分)

humf is a lovely animal. the sun rises in the morning. his shadow is long.

he plays with his shadow. they are good friends. in the afternoon, it』s rainy.

he can』t find his friend. in the evening, it』s not rainy. he can see his friend again.

it』s long. humf is happy.

keys: a b a a


keys: 1. the sun goes down.

2. joe, how does it feel?

3. is it watermelon juice?



keys:1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b


keys:1. how does the apple taste?

2. the sun goes up in the morning./

in the morning, the sun goes up.

3. is the book thick or thin?/ is the book thin or thick?

4. there are four blind men under the tree.

5. the cat takes a walk in the morning./

in the morning, the cat takes a walk.


keys: b c a b b

四、(每小題1分, 共5分)

keys: 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. a

五、(每空1分, 共5分)

keys: 1. touch 2. likes 3. in 4. do; does



keys: c b a


keys: b a a b


keys: 1. b

2. c

3. he likes apples.

4. (答案略)


they are colorful. they smell good. the butterflies and bees dance in the sky.

a small bird sings in the tree. it is happy. it』s very hot.

i h**e an ice cream and my sister drinks some cola. what a nice day!


一 細心算一算,爭當計算小能手。直接寫出得數。10 分 17 4 130 5 560 7 16 30 30 60 350 5 810 90 480 15 240 6 25 40 二 按要求完成下面各題。9 分 1.食堂買回 300 千克雞蛋,周一至周五每天剩下的雞蛋數量如下表。星期 一二三四五千克 ...


一 填空。每空1.5分,共18分 1 在計算 200 36 47 44時,先算 再算 最後算 法。2 650 320 80,如果要改變運算順序,先算減法,那麼必須使用括號,算式是 3 根據500 125 4,4 404 408,804 408 396組成乙個綜合算式是 4 5人4小時做了80朵紙花,...


一 照樣子寫句子。1 幾場春雨過後.到那裡走走.常常會看見許多鮮嫩的筍.成群地從土裡探出頭來。擬人句 2 鵝毛般的葦絮飄飄悠悠地飛了起來。比喻句 3 荷蘭是水之國.花之國.也是牧場之國。排比句 二 按課文內容填空 1 的紅霞.的微風.飛過的 的鳥兒.都是他們的 它們和鄉下人一起.繪成一幅的田園的風景...