
2022-12-13 03:21:04 字數 2866 閱讀 2328

1. what is your name?

2. how old are you?

3. how are you?

4. where are you now?

5. where do you live?

6. what does your mother do?

7. which animal do you like best?

8. what color are you shoes?

9. how many days are there in a week?

10. hou many months are there in a year?

11. how many toes do you h**e?

12. what day is it today?

13. what』s in the sky?

14. who teaches you chinese?

15. who』s you enghish teacher?

16. what can we do in the park?

17. are you h**ing a music lesson now?

18. do you like orange juice?

19. do you like paying with toys?

20. do you h**e classes on saturday?

21. can you make a ***** boat?

22. how do you go to school every day?

23. are sheep white?

24. is your mother』s hair long?

25. are you any horses in the zoo?

26. what animal runs fast?

27. can monkeys swim?

28. is it a fine day today?

29. what can you see on the road?

30. where do doctors work?

31. which season is cool?

32. when do you get up every moming?

33. how is you father?

34. who can drive a car in your family?

35. where can we see some ponds?

1. 你叫什麼名字?

2. 你多大了?

3. 你好嗎?

4. 你現在在**?

5. 你住在**?

6. 你媽媽是做什麼的?

7. 你最喜歡哪種動物?

8. 你的鞋子是什麼顏色的?

9. 一周有多少天?

10. 一年有幾個月?

11. 你有多少個腳趾?

12. 今天是星期幾?

13. 在天空是什麼?

14. 你中文老師是誰?

15. 誰是你的英語老師?

16. 我們能做什麼在公園裡嗎?

17. 你正在上**課程了嗎?

18. 你喜歡橙汁嗎?

19. 你喜歡玩具嗎?

20. 星期六你有課嗎?

21. 你能做個紙船嗎?

22. 你每天怎麼去學校的?

23. 羊是白色的嗎?

24. 你媽媽是長髮嗎?

25. 馬在動物園嗎?

26. 跑的最快的動物是什麼?

27. 猴子會游泳嗎?

28. 這是乙個好天氣嗎?

29. 你在公路上看到什麼東西?

30. 醫生在哪兒工作?

31. 哪個季節是很涼爽的?

32. 你每天早上什麼時候起床?

33. 你的父親怎麼樣嗎?

34. 在你家誰開車?

35. 我們在**可以看到一些池塘?

1. my name is susan.

2. i』m seven years old.

3. fine,thank you.

4. i』m in the classroom.

5. i live in shanghai

6. she』s a worker.

7. i like rabbits best

8. they』re red.

9. seven

10. twelve

11. ten

12. it』s saturday.

13. the sun.

14. ms sun

15. ms zhao

16. we can play basketball in the


17. no,i』m not.

18. yes,i do.

19. yes,i do.

20. no,i don』t.

21. yes,i can.

22. by car.

23. yes,they are.

24. no it isn』t.

25. yes, they are.

26. horses

27. no,they can』t.

28. yes it is .

29. i can see some cars.

30. they work in the hospital

31. autumn / fall.

32. at seven o』clock.

33. he』s fine.

34. my father.

35. in the park.


應廣大家長和學生的要求,我中心將於2007年3月 6月舉行上海市少兒英語口語星級考試 原名通用少兒口語 雛鷹章 考章活動 培訓。培訓共分四個級別 一星 原銅章 兩星 原銀章 三星 原金章 四星 一 培訓具體內容 一星培訓 提示說詞看圖說詞模仿跟讀聽聽做做快聽快答看圖問答 二星培訓 朗讀兒歌看圖說詞聽...


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