新起點人教版四年級上冊Unit 3習題

2022-12-05 18:48:05 字數 2273 閱讀 3406


1.) 看圖連線(5分)



c_nc_ _t _o t_ th_ mo_ _e_ l_g_ dr_v_ _u_pe_ c_r p_z_le

w_e_e_d e_c_t_ng c _ _l j_ st s_-s_

二找出不同類的單詞 (10分)

1. a boring b exciting c cool d because

( ) 2. a australia b russia c china d hiking

( ) 3 . a yao yao b so-so c alice d bin bin

4 . a go to disneyland b collect seashells c to go to


1. go to themovies2 .碰碰車

3. 聽**會4. dopuzzles

5.去釣魚6. watchout


9. playchess10. writeto


( )a do

2. i like to

to concerts to

( )3._______do you do for fun ?

. a

( ) you like to

do you do for fun on weekends?

i____ drive bumper cars. because it』s ____.

exciting at

______to go to it』s cool.

in the

a canda

like to _______the seience museum.

too9my f**ourite room.

athat are is

10. walk through the bat c**e ____us.


1. do you do what for fun weekends on (?)

to play chess he (.)


』s this is f**ourite room

to like drive bumper cars in the park (.)



this c_ _n(硬幣)buy a toy for the b_ _y(男孩).

the boy jumps for j_ _y(高興)when he sees the new t_ _.(玩具).



1. i like tobecause it』s

我喜歡聽**會, 因為它很酷 。

2. i like tobecause it』s

我喜歡, 因為它很

3. i like tobecause it』s

我喜歡聽**會, 因為它很

4. i don』t like tobecause it』s



likes to play chess, because it's fun.

likes to play legos, because it's interesting.

likes to do puzzles, because it's cool!

likes to go to the movies, because it's exciting

doesn't like to play computer games,

because they are just so-so.

likes to drive bumper carsbecause it's exciting!



第一組 第一課觀潮 生詞 大堤籠罩屹立人聲鼎沸橫貫浩浩蕩蕩山崩地裂風號怒吼恢復人山人海昂首東望依舊 摘抄 課文好詞好句 背誦 課文 三 四自然段 第二課雅魯藏布大峽谷 生詞 珠穆朗瑪峰咫尺堪稱平均馬蹄形固態涓涓細流滔滔江水山脈皚皚白雪呈現凌空花卉人跡罕至美譽 摘抄 文中優美的句子 找一找 課外找一找...


1 觀潮 教學要求 1.知識與技能 1 認識7個生字,會寫13個詞語,以及由生字組成的新詞。2 學習抓住重點詞語,理解課文中重點句子的意思。3 正確 流利 有感情地朗讀課文,背誦課文第3 4自然段。4 理解課文內容,能根據上下文理解 若隱若現 齊頭並進 漫天卷地 等重點詞語的含義。2.過程與方法 1...

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一 寫出下列單詞的中文意思。6 1.like2.fat 3.cute4.fruit any三 找出不同一類單詞。10 1.a.animalb.pigc.cow 2.a.fruitb.applec.orange 3.a.heb.shec.my 4.a.anyb.somec.grape 5.a.lion...