
2022-11-01 06:21:05 字數 1714 閱讀 9658

3. when did jane and her father go to penang hill?

4. how did they got to the top?

5. why did they only h**e one bowl of rice and any fish?

任務三: 完成p6的2d,2e,和p7的3a。



1. 在校門口會面,8點出發,乘公共汽車;

2. 天氣晴朗而暖和;

3. 到目的地後,爬了長城、購物,認識了一些新朋友;

4. 下午5點回家,雖然有點累但玩得很開心。


單詞:weekend , visit , meet , sunny , warm , shop , tired , happy

短語:by bus , the great wall , make friends , go back home , h**e a good time , come to


( ) can learn english by

a. myself b. yourself

c. himself d. herself

( )2wonderful the movie is!

a. how b. how a

c. what d. what a

( )3. no onehere. everyone wasvacation.

a. were; on b. was; on

c. were; from d. was; from

( ) 4. i am hungry. may i h**eto eat?

a. anything b. nothing

c. everything d. something

( ) 5. he isto work out this difficult problem.

a. enough cleverb. clever enough

c. kind enoughd. enough kind


1. he didn』t eatsomething), so he was very hungry.

2. is theresomething) in the fridge?

3. i decidewatch) tv after supper.

4. jimbe not) at home last sunday. so henot do) his homework.

5. she felt likego) to the park with her parents.


1. 上週我們拍了許多有趣的**。

weinterestinglast week.

2. 他們什麼時候去度假?

when did they


my fatheraevery day.

4. 我想吃一些特別的東西。

i want to eat

5. 我感覺他是你的父親。

ihe is your father.


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