
2023-01-29 10:51:04 字數 3991 閱讀 5305


1. wake (過去式2. photo (複數

3. knife (複數4. fat (比較級

5. lazy (最高端6. three (序數詞

7. near (反義詞8. shop (現在分詞) _______

9. country (複數10. h**e (第三人稱單數) ___

二.選擇題 (20分)

( ) 1. i was the winner. i got to the finish line

a. one b. last c. firstd. once

( ) 2. i amtaller than tina.

a. more b. many c. a lot of d. much

( ) 3. the yellow river is the second longest river

a. in the worldb. in usa

c. in chinad. in guangdong

( ) 4. tom has bigger eyes than

a. ib. myc. med. mine

( ) 5. lhasa is higher than the other _______ in china.

a. cities b. city c. citys d. coutries

( ) 6. my home is far ______ my school, but it』s near ______ the supermarket.

a. to…to b. from… to c. to…from d. from…from

( ) 7. i am one ofboys in the class.

a. he**ier b. the he**ier c. he**iest d. the he**iest

( ) 8. the sun is brighter than any other _______.

a. star b. a star c. stars d. a planet

( ) 9. winter isseason of the year.

a. cold b. colder c. coldest d. the coldest

( ) 10. you are doing _______.

a. fine b. well c. good d. finer

( ) 11. you mustn』t look at the sun. it』s bad ______ your eyes.

a. with b. for c. tod. of

( ) 12. yesterday candy _______ four pull-ups.

a. does b. do c. doing d. did

( ) 13. ann is _____ tall. candy is _____ taller. pat is ______ tallest.

ab. /, /, the c. /, the, the d. /, the, /

( ) 14. what』s the name ______ this mountain?

a. of b. for c. to d. on

( ) 15. it』s time ______ lunch.

a. to h**ing b. for h**e c. for d. to

( ) 16. therea party tomorrow night.

a. is b. was c. be d. will be

( ) 17. you are ______ than zoe, and zoe is ______ than you.

a. fater, thinnerb. fatter, thiner

c. fater, thinerd. fatter, thinner

( ) 18the biggest animal in the world? --blue whale.

a. whichb. whatc. what』s d. who

( ) 19. potala palace is thepalace in the world.

a. biggestb. highest c. largest d. longest

( ) 20summer holidays, the water festival is lots of fun.

a. inb. onc. ofd. for

三.情景會話 (5分)

( ) 1. 你認為對方的答案是正確的,你可以說:

a. that』s all rightb. all right

c. that』s rightd. it doesn』t matter

( ) 2. 你想知道對方的高度,你可以問:

a. how he**y are you? b. how tall were you?

c. how tall are youd. what』s the weight of you?

( ) 3. 當同學告訴***媽生病了,你應該說:

a. she should go to hospital. b. she should be careful

c. i am sorry to hear thatd. oh, really?

( ) 4. 你想知道別人能做多少個俯臥撐時,你可以問:

a. how many pull-ups can you do?

b. how many sit-ups can you do?

c. how many press-up can you do?

d. how many press-ups can you do?

( ) 5. tom比賽中得了第一名,你應該對他說:

a. oh, reallyb. i don』t believe

c. congraulations, tom d. it doesn』t matter

四.翻譯句子( 10分)

1. 我去年喜歡鍛鍊,所以我很強壯。

ilast year, so i was strong.

2. 我能舉一些很重的啞鈴。

i can _______ some he**y _______.

3. 地球比月亮重得多。

the earth isthan the moon.

4. 地球是最熱的行星之一。

the earth is one of

按要求改寫句子( 10分)

1. i can do five pull-ups. (對劃線部分提問)

pull-ups can ______ do?

2. chongqing is the largest city in china. (同義句)

chongqing is _______ than the other ______ in china.

3. tom is fatter than tim (同義句)

tim istom.

4. splendid china is the biggest model park in the world. (同義句)

splendid china is ______ than any otherin the world.


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