
2023-01-22 21:48:06 字數 1623 閱讀 4197

李興麗[ 和許夢嬌回來看情況,許夢嬌在旁竊笑 ] - honey, you okay ? what happened ?

舒樂 [ 撿起蜘蛛]- this little guy was on her evian bottle .

李興麗 - oh, he won't hurt you, meredith .

林文豔 - oh, right, right, right . right . i know. you, uh, go ahead.

[ 李興麗轉身向前走 ] i'll be fine .

[ 舒樂把蜘蛛湊近林文豔][ screams ] get that thing away from me . i hate things that crawl . aagh !

how can you touch that ? just put it down .

舒樂 - okay . okay. i'll put it down .[ 蜘蛛放在林文豔頭頂 ]

李興麗 - girls ?

許夢嬌 - what ?

舒樂 - what ?

李興麗-i'm going to take the lead . the two of you help meredith . all right ?

林文豔- sure, you'll help me . right over a cliff, you'll help me .[ 往前走 ]

許夢嬌 - not a bad idea .

舒樂 - yeah . see any cliffs ?

林文豔 - aah, my backpack .

舒樂 - need a hand, mer ?

林文豔 [ 轉身,向舒、許走進 ]- not from you, thank you . don't think i can't see right past those angelic faces.

one more trick from you two, and i promise... i will make your lives miserable from the day i say "i do". got it?

[ 轉身向前走]

許夢嬌 - got it, cruella.

林文豔 [ 轉身]- what did you call me ?

舒樂 [ 舒樂、許夢嬌向前走 ] - nothing, nothing. not a thing . crulla.

許夢嬌 [ 回頭說]oh, by the way . mer, ithink there's something on your head . [兩人繼續向前走laughing]

[林文豔摸頭 ,發現有蜘蛛大叫,亂動時,蜘蛛掉進嘴裡screams ]

[ 林文豔很困難糾結地吐出蜘蛛coughing ]

李興麗[ 忙跑回來問 ]- are you all right ?

李興麗 - aah! [ 林文豔 whining ] - what happened ?

林文豔 [ gasping ]- ask... them .

[ 許夢嬌、舒樂得意的從一顆樹後探出身子來 ]

舒樂 - what did we do, dad? we were right behind you.

大班早期閱讀活動 天生一對確定

執教者 蔣蘭珍 設計思路 繪本 天生一對 講的是長頸鹿和鱷魚兩個外形 習性完全不相同的動物卻能很和諧的生活以及如何獲得周圍朋友認同他們在一起的故事。繪本在可愛的形象 柔和的色彩 幽默浪漫的情節中展現了生活場景,不僅傳遞了美好的感情,更闡述了愛的學習過程。活動目標 1 解讀畫面,理解故事內容,體會天生...


四 乙方權利和義務 1 乙方向甲方提供學生真實有效的詳細資料,為甲方的後續服務提供依據。2 每次授課後,乙方及學生應協助老師填寫授課進度表,並交給老師,作為甲方監督老師授課之用,乙方有義務如實填寫。3 授課前,乙方學生應按老師的要求,認真預習和複習,並將輔導作業交給老師檢查。因學生原因未完成預習 複...


2 耐心輔導,關注基礎差的學生。對基礎差的學生既不能著急也不能發火,而是心平氣和的盡可能多的講解基礎知識點,採取反覆複述反覆練習的方法不斷強化基礎知識在學生腦海裡的印象。我覺得基礎差的學生是待開的資源。基礎差是相對的,是變化發展的,沒有一成不變的差生,差生是可以轉化為好學生的。為把這些差生轉變成好學...