
2023-01-18 08:33:06 字數 5717 閱讀 1513


smell a rat 是指人們懷疑在做錯某事。

a rat race 表示激烈的競爭。

rats desert a sinking ship 船沉鼠先逃,這一諺語意指那些一遇到危險就爭先尋求安全或一看見困難便躲得老遠的人。(家敗親友疏)

it is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。

a speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge. 一粒老鼠屎,壞了一鍋粥。

like a rat in a hole 如魚得水

when the cat is away, the mice will play.山中無老虎,猴子稱大王。

the black ox has trod on sb』s foot表示災禍已降臨到某人頭上。


ride the tiger表示以非常不確定或危險的方式生活。


make a hare of sb.愚弄某人。

start a hare。在討論中提出枝節問題。

first catch your hare.勿謀之過早(意指:不要過於樂觀)。

you cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能兩面討好(意指:不要耍兩面派)。

as timid as a hare.膽小如鼠。


dragon』s teeth :相互爭鬥的根源;排列或多層的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障礙物。

the old dragon:魔鬼。


a snake in the grass.潛伏的敵人或危險。

to warm a snake in one』s bosom.養虎貽患,姑息壞人。

takd heed of the snake in the grass.草里防蛇。

a bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做賊心虛。

get on the high horse.擺架子,目空一切。

work like a horse.辛苦的幹活。

horse doctor.獸醫、庸醫。

dark horse競爭**人意料的獲勝者。

you can take a horse to the water, but you can』t make him drink. 帶馬到河邊容易,逼馬飲水難。

don』t ride the high horse. 勿擺架子。

a good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 好馬不會毛色差。

a horse may stumble on four feet. 馬有四條腿,亦有失蹄時。

a running horse needs no spur. 奔馬無需鞭策。

don』t put the cart before the horse. 不要將大車套在馬前面。(處理問題應按先後次序,不要本末倒置。)

the common horse is worst shod. 公用之馬,掌子最差。

lock the barn door after the horse is stolen. 失馬之後鎖馬廄。(亡羊補牢)

don』t look a gift horse in the mouth. 饋贈之馬,勿看牙口。

hair by hair you will pull out the horse』s tail. 一根一根拔,拔光馬尾巴。(水滴石穿)

eat like a horse 飯量很大

better be the head of anass than the tail of a horse. 寧為雞口,無為牛後。

don't change horses in midstream. 行到河中不換馬(緊要關頭不易做大變動)。

talk horse.吹牛


as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.偷羊偷羔都是絞(死);偷大偷小統是賊(意指:一不做,二不休)。

there』s a black sheep in every flock.每一羊群裡都會有乙隻黑羊,醜兒子家家有(意指:每個家裡都會有個敗家子。)

he that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.甘心做綿羊,早晚喂豹狼(人弱受人欺)。

the sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton.羊向狼乞求和平,很快就會變成羊肉(意指,切勿向敵人乞求和平)。

if one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow. 榜樣的力量是無窮的。

a lazy sheep thinks its wool he**y. 懶羊嫌毛重。

black sheep害群之馬

a wolf in sheep's clothing 口蜜腹劍的人

a lost sheep

迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人

a sheep among wolves

落入狼群; 落在一群惡漢手中的善良人

as a sheep among the shearers


follow like a sheep 盲從

one scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.

[諺] 乙隻羊生瘡整群羊遭殃。

return to one's sheep [muttons]


separate the sheep from the goats


sheep and goats


sheep that h**e no shepherd


monkey作名詞時指頑童、淘氣鬼,猴子似的人,易受欺的人。如:what are you doing, you young monkey! 你在幹什麼呀,小搗蛋鬼!


put sb』s monkey up. 使某人生氣,激怒某人

make a monkey of 愚弄

a monkey with a long tail. 抵押

get the monkey off. 戒除吸毒惡習

h**e a monkey on one』s back. 毒癮很深


cock of the walk / school. 支配別人的人

a cock of the loft / dunghill. 在小天地中稱王稱霸的人

live like fighting cocke. 生活很好,尤指吃得好

cock - and - bull story. 荒誕的故事,無稽之談

don』t count your chickens before they』re hatched. 不要過早樂觀


you dirty dog ! 你這個壞小子

a lucky dog. 幸運兒

a dumb dog. 沉默不語的人

a sly dog. 暗中尋歡的人和暗地裡偷雞摸狗的人

a dog in the manger. 佔著茅坑不拉屎的人,自私的人

barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人

every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日

he who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad. 欲加之罪,何患無詞.

a staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪,何患無詞.

love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏.

too much pudding will choke a dog. 布丁太多噎死狗。

let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。

all are not thieves that dogs bark at. 不要以貌取人。

every dog is a lion at home. 狗在家門口就成了獅子。

a good dog deserves有功者應受賞

lead a dog's life 過窮困潦倒的日子

not h**e a dog's chance 毫無機會

top dog 當權派;頭兒

a gay dog 乙個快樂的人

a dirty dog 下流坯

dog-days n.[pl.]無精打彩的日子

a good dog deserves a good bone.

[諺]好狗應該啃好骨頭, 有功者受賞。

a living dog is better than a dead lion.


a staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.

[諺]欲加之罪, 何患無辭。

an old dog barks not in vain.

[諺]老狗不亂吠; 老狗一吠, 就得小心。

an old dog will learn no new tricks. (=you cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)

[諺]老狗學不了新把戲; 老年人很難適應新事物。

as [like] a dog with two tails


be (old) dog at (a thing)

對...有經驗; 對...很內行

beware of a silent dog and still water.

[諺]提防不吠的狗, 小心靜止的水。

come like a dog at a whistle


fight dog, fight bear.

[諺]打個青紅皂白, 一決雌雄。

give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).


it is ill to waken sleeping dogs. [let sleeping dogs lie; don't wake a sleeping dog.]

別多事, 別惹麻煩。

scornful[hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.

[諺]人到危急時, 平時所不屑做的也要做; 急不暇擇, 飢不擇食。

teach an old dog new tricks


teach the dog to bark


the dog returns to his vomit.

狗回頭吃自己吐出來的東西; 重犯舊日罪惡。


十二生肖的產生,有著天文學的背景。在原始時代,先民們體驗著寒暑交替的迴圈往復。宋代洪皓 松漠紀聞 載 女真舊絕小,正朔所不及,其民皆不知紀年,問則曰 我見青草幾度矣 蓋以草一青為一歲也。宋代孟珙 蒙韃備錄 也記 其俗每草青為一歲,有人問其歲,則曰幾草矣。年又有觀天者發現月亮盈虧週期可以用來丈量歲的長...


關於十二生肖,是乙個十分有趣的話題。在十二生肖的排位上,為什麼鼠小為大,排在第一位呢?有屬老鼠的,沒有屬貓的呢?這裡有個故事。很久很久以前,有一天,人們說 我們要選十二種動物作為人的生肖,一年一種動物。天下的動物有多少呀?怎麼個選法呢?這樣吧,定好乙個日子,這一天,動物們來報名,就選先到的十二種動物...

