
2023-01-12 13:03:06 字數 3533 閱讀 7974



一、 聽錄音,按你聽到順序給下列**標序號,用數字表示。( 10℅)

二、 聽錄音,圈出正確圖畫的字母(a或b)( 4℅)

三、聽錄音,判斷所聽內容與**是否相符,用t或f表示。( 4℅)

四、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或短語。( 5℅)

( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5. room b. room room room

五、根據你所聽到的句子選擇正確的答語。( 5℅)

( )1. a. it』s on the second floor. b. it』s the music room.

( )2. a. yes, i dob. yes, it is.

( )3. 45 yuan.

( )4. a. it』s on the second floor. b. it』s the music room.

( )5. a. yes, we dob. no, it isn』t.

六、聽錄音,判斷所聽句子是否與情景相符,用「√」或「×」表示 (12%)

( )1.當你想詢問體育館在**時,你會說:

( )2當你跟同學介紹這是教師辦公室時,你會說:

( )3.你想告訴新同學圖書館在第一層時,你會說:

( )4.你想知道這是**教室嗎?你會說:

( )5.你想知道班裡有多少位同學,你會問:

( )6.讚美朋友的學校時,你可以說:



( )1.

( )2. to

( )3.

( )4. room office

( )5. room room

( )6.


( )1. do you h**e art room ?

a. ab. an c. the

( )2. –is this the teachers』 office ?

–noa. it isn』t b. it not c. it is

( )3. where』s the gym?

a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. good idea.

( )4. please be quiet in the

a. library b. gym c. room

( )5. heremy homework.

a. are bc. is

( )6. how many are there in your class?

a. student b. students c. book

( ) classroom isthe first floor .

a. on b. in c. under

( )8. –welcome puning. – wow! cool.

a. to b. for c. too

( )9. –do you h**e a music room

a. yes , i am b. yes, we do c. yes, it is

( ) our classroom.

a. am b. are c. is


welcome to ourthis is my

it』s very big. look! this is our room.

it』s very beautiful . we h**e athere are many

ourroomis on the second floor.


( )do you h**e a library ?

( )yes ,we do . it』s on the second floor.

( )forty-five students.

( )no, it isn』t. it』s the teachers』 office.

( )welcome to our school! this is my classroom.

( )this way , please.

( )is that the computer room?

( )it』s so big! how many students are there in your class.


( )1 where is the art room ? a. thank you.

( )2 is this the libraryb. it』s on the second floor.

( )3 do you h**e an art room? c. no, it isn』t.

( )4 how many books are there ? d. yes, i do.

( )5 welcome to our school . e. forty-one.


1. my , this , is , classroom

2. is , teachers』 , where , office, the

3. the , on ,it , floor, is, first

4. h**e , do , you , library, a

5. playground , is , that , the

十三、閱讀理解。判斷對錯。用t或f表示. (5%)

hello, i』m sarah. welcome to our school. this is the teachers』 office.

that』s my classroom. there are forty-seven students in our class. the canteen(食堂) is on the first floor.

the library is on the second floor. we h**e a music room. we play on the playground.

i like our school.

( ) classroom is on the second floor.

( ) is a gym in her school.

( ) likes her school.

( )4. there are fifty-seven students in the class.

( )5. sarah play on the playground.

2019人教版四年級語文下冊專項練習 句式練習

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