
2022-12-31 16:57:04 字數 3908 閱讀 9750


(時間 :90分鐘滿分:100分命題人:吳蓉)

i.翻譯下列片語 (每片語1分,共30分)

1.屬於2.追逐/追趕 3.同時/一起


7.一定是8.一定不是 9.去野餐

10.其餘的/剩餘的11.拾起/撿起 12.彼此

13.被採訪14.奇怪的聲音 15.玩得高興

16.感到不安 17.乙個特殊的目的 18.石頭的位置

19.很長的一段時間 20.趕車21.不但…而且…

22.看見太陽公升起 23. 一年中最長的這一天 24.試圖與…交流


28.直接照射…裡 29.石頭的中心 30.保持健康


is very famous.

book isvalue) for us to learn english.

were searching the forest for the lost kid.

he**y rain kept us fromcome) on time.

book can』tsteal) because it was here just now.

out! there must be someone________(knock) at the door.

nile river (尼羅河) is thelong) river in the world.

noise-maker is h**ing too much funcreate) fear in the neighborhood.

was a concert in the music hall and參加) it yesterday.

army(秦始皇兵馬俑)is one of the most famoushistory) places.

people believe the stone h**e amedicine) purpose.

12history)think stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago.

13. we h**e as ourlead).

the only one who wears suchcolor) clothes.

might be runningcatch)train.


( )1. after a long walk, the old manbe tired now.

a. can』tb. mustc. has tod. need

( )2. the train was latewe had to wait for half an hour.

a. because b. orc. sod. but

( )3. when he saw a wallet on the ground, heat once.

a. picked it up b. g**e it up c. picket up it d. put it up

( )4. he hurried back home his schoolbag.

a. fetched b. to fetch c. fetching d. fetches

( )5. it used to be very quietever happened around here.

a. nothing much b. much nothing c. nothing many d. many nothing

( )6. i couldn』t see a dog or , either.

a. anything else b. else anything c. other anything d. anything other

( )7. when i was walking past his room, i hear him piano.

a. playing b. to playc. to play the d. playing the

( )8i try to read this book, i feel sleepy.

a. whatever b. however c. whenever d. never

( ) many years, historians believed stonehenge was a temple

ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.

a. whenb. which c. whered. that

( )10.---whose book is this?

---it our geography teacher』s. you see, his name is on it.

a. can』t be b. can be c. mustn』t be d. must be

( ) book mustshe』s the only one who』s studying french.

a. belong to li ying』s b. be li ying c. belong li ying』s d. belong to li ying

( ) used to tv at home after supper. but now she is used to ______ out for a walk.

a. watch, go b. watching; go c. watching; going d. watch; going

( ) bad weather can』t stop him to school on time.

a. gob. to goc. to going d. from going

( )14.---where are you going this month?

---wego to jinan, but we are not sure.

a. needn』tb. mustc. can』td. might

( )15. not only i but also tom fond of watching television

a. isb. arec. amd. were

( )16. ---what are you going to do tomorrow

a. nothing much b. much nothing c. not anything d. no thing

( )17. today, the forests h**e almost gone. people must down too many trees.

a. stop to cut b. stop from cutting c. be stopped to cut d. be stopped from cutting

( )18. thank you so much formy mistakes in the homework.

a. giving out b. looking out c. pointing out d. picking up

( )19.---tom is never late for work. why is he absent today?

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