H4 1英語試卷

2022-12-25 04:12:05 字數 2526 閱讀 6081



ⅰ. 請將口語成績填在答題卡相應的位置。 1. 口語成績


ⅱ.listen and choose. 聽句子,選擇相應的圖畫,並在答題卡上將該圖畫的標號塗黑。每個句子將**兩遍。

例:( bthe giraffe is tall.


23.( )

45.( )

67.( )

89.( )

1011.( )

ⅲ. listen, think and tick. 聽對話,想一想哪一幅圖與談話內容有關係,在方格內打√, 並在答題卡上將相應標號塗黑。每組對話將**兩遍。




ⅳ. listen and number. 聽故事,請根據故事內容將下列圖畫按照b-f的順序排序,並將答題卡上相應標號塗黑。故事將**三遍。

penguin says 「please」

ⅴ. listen and match. 聽介紹,將**標號填寫在相應的位置,並將答題卡相應標號塗黑。短文將**三遍。


ⅵ. read and classify. 請將下列單詞進行分類,分好後將答題卡上相應的標號塗黑。

a. transportation b. jobs c. stationery (學習用品)

ⅶ. read, look and write.讀人物介紹,通過**和上下文選擇正確的詞語,將其標號寫在橫線上,並在答題卡上相應位置將標號塗黑。(10分)

susan is a例: d . she』s from canada.

she is 8 years old this year. susan usually goes to school 37. .

she likes 38. . she thinks it is interesting.

she often 39. on weekends. she is good at 40.

. she wants to be an english 41. in the future.

ⅷ. read and order. 閱讀下列句子,將其按照合理的順序組編成對話,並在答題卡上相應位置將標號塗黑。

bill: good morning, nancy

nancy: 42

bill: 43

nancy: 例 c. i am ****** a card for my mom.

but i can't find my glue stick.

bill: 44

nancy: 45

bill: 46

ⅸ. read and guess. 讀每組句子,圈出正確答案,並將答題卡上相應標號塗黑。

ⅹ. read and answer.閱讀simba 成長為國王的故事,將正確的選項填進括號裡,並在答題卡上相應位置將標號塗黑。

例: ( c )what is the name of the lion?

b. zazu c. simba.

52. ( )what does simba want to be?

a. a king. b. a teacher. c. a driver.

53. ( )first, what does simba do to be a king?

a. he learns from his friends. b. he asks his teacher.

c. he thinks and does.

54. ( )who will help him, if he has questions?

a. his father b. his teacher, zazu. c. his mom.

55. ( )what does he often say to his teacher?

a. 「please.」 b. 「help.」 c. 「thank you.」

56. ( )simba is a ______ lion.

a. fun b. hardworking(刻苦的)

c. fierce(兇猛的)

ⅺ. read and tick√ or cross×.讀啟示,判斷下列句子是否正確,正確的劃√,錯誤的劃×,並在答題卡上相應位置將標號塗黑。

例the cat is missing.

57the cat is 1 year old.

58it is brown.

59it likes to eat fish and cat food.

60tiger」 is the cat』s name.

61if you see the cat, you can call 555-5555.

ⅻ.let』s write. 根據**內容,按照範例完**物介紹,不少於5句話,請在答題卡上相應位置作答。62.


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