
2022-12-03 13:27:02 字數 2517 閱讀 5194

第一部分:語音、詞彙、句型。 50%

(三) 根據所給單詞首字母填入單詞,使句子合理、通順。(10分)

1. they are going to guangzhou n_______ month.

2. did you h_____ a c_______?

3. c_____ your sister m_______ kites?

4. she always l________to music in the e

5. i aher phone two minutes ago.

6. i am 153 cm. he is 149 cm. i am tthan h______.

(四) 根據所給中文意思完成句子。(10分)

1. 昨天晚上我走路去公園的。i _______ to the parknight.

2 我的妹妹的愛好是集郵。myhobby isstamps.

3. 他們昨天看了兩個小時的電視。 theyfor two hours yesterday.

4. 昨天下午我拉小提琴了。yesterday afternoon, ithe

5. 你看書了嗎

(五) 填字母,完成字謎,並將單詞恰當地填入下列句子中。(4分)

s t

e r

last weekend imymiss hu. miss hu is a kind woman, but she is also veryher students.

(六) 選擇填空,將最佳選項的序號填在題前的括號裡。(13分)

1. what do you do on sundays

a. i often went swimming. b. i often go swimming. c. i often goes swimming.

2. what did you do last sunday

a. i read a book. b. i readed a book. i reads a book.

3. did you _______ clothes on the weekend?

a. wash b. washed

4. did you go shopping with your mother

a. yes, i did. b. yes, i do. c. yes, i can.

5. inoodles for my grandparents last week.

a. cook b. cooked c. cooked

6. ____sarah play the violin last saturday? yes. she always ____ it on saturday.

a. did…played. b. does…plays. c. did…plays

7. ienglish with amy this morning.

a. study b. studied b. studied

______ you usually do on the weekend?

a. are b. do c. did

9. i play computer games

a. tomorrow b. last weekend c. every day

10. i was very grateful _____ the dog.

a. with b. for c. to

11. wu yifanhis homework now.

a. did b. does c. is doing

time _______ h**e english class.

a. for b. to c. do

13. the skirt _______ dirty yesterday.

a. was b. is

(七) 連詞成句。(4分)

1. you, did, the, go, park, weekend, last, to

played football, he ,yesterday, with, friends

, to, zhang peng, home, walked

4. the, the, into, dog, lake, jumped


(一) 根據所給的情景,寫出正確的句子。(5分)

1. 如果你想問別人過去做了些什麼事情,你應該說:

2 如果你想問別人今天早上是什麼時候起床的,你應該說:

3. 當別人感謝你時,你應該說



(二) 老師想知道同學們在這個寒假都做了什麼事情,特意對同學們進行了一番調查並做了記錄。請你根據下表的提示,寫出老師問同學的6個問題。


(一) 選擇適當的單詞填空,完成下面的短文。(9分)


第三單元 教學內容 本單元引領學生學習生物與非生物組成的生態系統,引伸出對 大世界 大學問 大環境 的學習和研究,知道學生觀察 查閱分析和整理資料認識生態系統,模擬生態系統,設計製作生態瓶,並 如何保持平衡。包括 小池塘大世界 小瓶子大學問 小行為大環境 三課組成。教學重點 難點 能以合理形式正確記...


pep小學六年級英語下冊book8 unit 3 a let s talk 教學反思 一 教學過程簡介 1 熱身 日常口語交際 齊學齊唱歌謠。2 複習匯入 先利用上節課所學的詞彙簡單複習上節課的句型,讓學生感知到該句型是本節課的重點 再通過let s try 的聽力練習,加深他們對重點句型的了解掌握...


1 填空 1 堆乙個長方體至少需 個小正方體 堆乙個正方體至少需要 個小正方體。2 觀察同乙個物體,觀察的角度不同,所看到的形狀 3 用六個小正方體堆乙個大長方體,有 種不同的堆法,其中從上面 正面 左面看到的正方形個數和最少是 個,最多是 個。4 小明從一盞路燈下經過,他的影子長度是先 後 5 通...