
2022-10-23 19:42:19 字數 5097 閱讀 6522

are girls afraid of the letter c ? it makes fat fact!

is the letter e so important? it』s the beginning of everything!

are the letter g and letter s in "gloves" close to each other? there is love between them!

letter is an animal ? 4. it』s the letter b!

letter is a question? 5. it』s the letter y!

is u the jolliest letter? 6. because it』s in the midst of fun!

do you feel today? 7. with my hands ,of course!

can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?

8. take a longer rope and compare with it!

do people wish for something they h**en』t got?

9. what else is there to wish for? you cease to wish for it once you get it!

can you tell from peter』s record card with extremely poor grades? 10. he didn』t cheat!

does everybody do at the same time? 11. grow old!

resembles half a pie? 12. the other half!

works only one day in a year but never gets fired? 13. santa claus 聖誕老人

do people h**e two mouth? 14. when there』s two of them 有兩個人時!

do lions eat raw meat? 15. they don』t know how to cook 他們不知道如何烹飪!

many sides does a circle h**e? 16. two. the inside and the outside!

animal can jump as high as a tree? 17. all animals,for trees can』t jump!

can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest? 18. sleep at night!

was the declaration of independence signed? 19. at the bottom!

you throw a stone into the red sea,what will it become? 20. wet!

1. what letter is a body of water?

2. what is it that found in the every center of america and australia?

3. why is a river rich?

4. which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?

5. which runs faster, heat or cold? why?


____ is greater than god.

____ is more evil than the devil.

the poor need ____.

the rich h**e ____.

if you eat ____, you will die.

7. what number should replace(代替)the question mark?





( ) 8. what』s the chinese for 「six of one and half a dozen of the other?」

a. 六分之一 b. 人云亦云 c.半斤八兩 d.見一面分一半

( ) 9. what three letters turn a girl into a woman? b. dab c. eye

( ) 10. we don』t want it. it』s 「a white elephant.」 what is it?

a. 一件無用而累的東西 b.一頭白象 c. 白給的東西 d. 白色陷阱

( ) too much for two and just right for one? a. time b. a secret c. friend d. a room

( ) 12. what』s the chinese for 「talk big」?   a. 吹牛 b. 說謊話 c.罵人 d.很大

( ) 13. i know that from a to z.   a.從a到i b.從頭到尾 c.字母表 d.距離很遠

( ) 14. you can』t do it. you can sue to ann for help.

  a. ask b. think c.

find d. give

( ) that? that』s a lily i like it very much.   a.

girl』s name b. flower c. picture d.


1、it's a ******(簡單的)sum(算術題).can you work out which ( 哪乙個)number is represented(代表)by the letter o and which is represented by the k?kk

+ ko k

2、what belongs to (僅屬於)you but is used more by others than yourself( 但是別人用得比較多)?

3、(1) 聯合國的英文縮寫:

(2) 中華人民共和國的英文縮寫:

(3) 英國的英文縮寫:

(4) 美國的英文縮寫:

答案:(1)un (2)prc (3)uk (4)

can you make 6 out of three 7's?

can you make 6 out of three 5's?

can you make 1000 out of eight 8's?

you name the captital of every state in the in ten seconds?


1. c(sea)  2. r is in the center of america and australia  3. cause it has a lot of banks

4. i(eye)  5. because we can 「catch cold」,so the answer is heat

6. gold(money)  7. 1  8.

c  9. d  10. a  11.

b  12. a  13. b  14.

a  15. b

1. k:5 o:1 3.(1)un (2)prc (3)uk (4)

. 7- 7/7=6!32. easy. 5+5/5=6! 33. easy. 8+8+8+8+88+888=1000!


(c ) letter comes next? a c f j .

a .h b .m c .o

(c) what number can you take half and le**e nothing?

a. 1 b. 9 c.8 d. 5

( b)3. what dog never barks?

a big dog b hot dog c small dog d red dog

( c)4. mr. white has two sons, and each of them has a sister.

how many children does he h**e?

a. one

(b) three letters make a man of a boy?

(a)6 in what mouth do woman talk the least

7. i meet three men on a speaks english .c only talks whit can spedak chinese and dose c speak?


( c )8. the words he gives on the computer is above my head .

a 一目了然 b 終於醒悟 c 無法理解 d 頭腦發昏

( a )9. i don't like going after the dog.

a 在人背後 b 無事生非 c滔滔不絕 d 當著她面

( c ) is going after the dog

a . 攔截 b . 玩 c . 追逐 d. 戲弄

(d) can play with bill. he is not in the same class. .

a.他與你不是同班 b他是個生手 c他棒極了 d他不是你的對手

(c) succeed because he』s always at his books..

a學識淵博 b博覽群書 c刻苦學習 d意志堅強

(b) 13. he is the out fish of water.

a離開水的魚 b不和群 c需要水的魚 d水中魚

(b) 14the little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face.

a渾身發熱 b筋疲力盡 c鼻青臉腫 d精神煥發

(a) to ten the train will be late.


一 拆字聯 水有蟲則濁,水有魚則漁,水水水,江河湖淼淼。無花和尚 木之下為本,木之上為末,木木木,松柏樟森森。唐僧 閒看門中木 思間心上田 少水沙即現 是土堤方成 蠶為天下蟲 鴻是江邊鳥 踏破磊橋三塊石 分開出路兩重山 凍雨灑人東兩點西三點 切瓜分客橫七刀豎八刀 天下口天上口志在吞吳 人中王人邊王意...


看燈 打一人名 一流水準 淮 一口咬住多半截 名 要一半,扔一半 奶 四方來合作,貢獻大一點 器 自己 體 4個人搬個木頭 猜乙個字答案是 傑 一加一,猜一字答案是 王 一月七日,猜乙個字答案是 脂 一邊是水,一邊是山,猜乙個字答案是 汕 八十八 猜乙個字答案是 公尺 三張紙,猜乙個字答案是 順 上...


行業聯鏡子店 現出鬚眉都活潑 看來毫髮不參差 理髮店 入門盡是彈冠客 去後應無搔首人 屠夫 雙手劈開生死路 一刀割斷是非根 書店 藏古今學術 聚天地精華 保險公司 小費君莫惜 後顧自無憂 鐘錶店 萬千星斗心胸裡 十二時辰手腕間 鞋店 前程遠大腳根鬚站穩 工作浩繁步驟要分清 扇子店 人受凍寒非我願世皆...