牛津小學英語6A Unit 5教案On the farm

2022-10-13 00:48:15 字數 2691 閱讀 9423


unit 5 on the farm


1.聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞holiday, last, early, meet, before, pullup, taste, 四會句型what (else)did you do on monday? i/we…

2.能聽懂、會說、會讀日常交際用語和句型did you like the film? it was a funny cartoon. we all liked it very much.

were there any fruit trees on the farm? there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. what did you do … ?

i …



2.四會單詞句型holiday, last, early, meet, before, pulltaste, what (else)did you do on monday? i/we…


step1. free talk:

when』s your birthday?

what date is it today?

what day is it today?

where is your…(利用學生課桌上的文具單複數形式).


1. t: do you know something about the farm.. now let』s go to the farm.


t: what is he/she doing? do you know?

s: he/she is …

其中八個詞語中 cook, collect, milk, pick,water是已學過的詞語,稍微複習一下學生便掌握了。讓學生了解milk以前的意思為牛奶,在這裡指**,並拼讀這個四會單詞。

plant, taste, pull up 為新內容,讓學生邊讀邊做動作並反覆拼讀。


t: boys and girls, do you know the national day.

learn: national day

t: i watched a film on the national day.



1) 不規則變化。

2) 一般情況下動詞後加ed

3) 以不發音的e結尾的加d.

4) 以子音加y 結尾的變y為i再加ed.

4. t: i watched a film on the national day. how about you?

s: i…. (在此鞏固動詞的過去式。)

t: i watched a film on the national day. what did you do?

板書:what did you do?


出示**師生操練what did you do? what else did you do?

引導學生回答:i milked cows. i collected eggs.

i tasted oranges. i visited a farm. i planted trees.

i pulled up carrots.


4.聽磁帶跟讀課文,判斷t or f

( )a. nancy watched a cartoon with her parents.

( )b. helen visited a farm with her family at the weekends.

( )c. helen pulled up carrots on monday.

( )d. helen picked oranges and watered trees on tuesday.


1. read the dialogue and try to imitate it.

2. talk and say: what did you do on national day holiday?

step4. summary

1. 在總結本課所學重難點內容的基礎上,側重讓學生將單詞和句子大聲朗讀出來。

2. 整體把握對話部分,進行簡單複述。

a. read the dialogue for three times.

the verb phrases in part a


為了突破本堂課的重、難點,根據小學生好奇、好勝、好動、模仿力強、表現慾旺盛等生理和心理特點,我主要採取了以任務型教學模式為主,以活動,合作為主線,遵循「聽說領先,讀寫跟上」的原則,讓學生在教師的指導下,通過感知、體驗、實踐、參與和合作、遊戲感悟等多法並用的方式組織教學。徹底改變傳統的「授— 受」的單一教學模式,促進語言實際運用能力的提高。在教單詞與句子的時候要做到將兩者恰倒好處的結合,做到「詞不離句,句不離詞」,重視對學生思維,觀察能力的培養,特別是對學生合作學習能力的培養,讓學生們們在師生,生生,小組等不同的合作方式中,學會傾聽,學會評價,為學生的終身學習奠定基礎


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