新概念31 35課筆記

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lesson 31 a lovable eccentric

1、lovable adj. 可愛的

lovable=worthy of love 惹人愛的

2、eccentric n.(行為)古怪的人,adj 行為舉止古怪的

-i can't get on well with him , because he is eccentric.

eccentricity n.怪癖

-one of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it.

3、disregard v.不顧,漠視

-please disregard noise and keep working.

片語:h**e a disregard of/for


-he has complete disregard of/for my feeling.

in disregard of 不顧,漠視

-he did the work in disregard of my instruction.

4、convention n.習俗,風俗

custom 歷史悠久的社會習俗

5、conscious adj.感覺到的,意識到的(=aware)

be conscious of/that =be aware of/that

-he is unconscious of the danger.

-he is unware of the danger.

family conscious 有家庭觀念的

clothes conscious 注重衣著的


subconscious adj.下意識的

consciousness n.意識,知覺

conscience n.良心,道德

6、routine n.常規,慣例

墨守成規 follow the routine

打破常規 break the routine

start the daily routine 開始每天的日常生活

7、invariably adv.總是,經常地


-they almost get the figure wrong invariably

variable adj.可變的,易變的


-his mood is variable.

vary v.變化,改變

vt. -i can vary the car speed at will.

vi. vary from 不同


-the ideas vary from person to person.

vary with 隨...變化


-the demand of clothes varies with the season.

8、shrewd adj.精明的,狡猾的,敏銳的,機靈的

-he is a shrewed observer. 他是個敏銳的觀察者。

9、legendary adj.傳奇般的

-he is a legendary hero.

legend n.傳奇

網壇傳奇(人物) tennis legend

足壇/樂壇傳奇(人物)footfalling/music legend

10、snob n.勢利眼,欺上瞞下的人

-people describe him as a snob.


11、intensely adv.強烈地

intense adj.(=very strong/violent/extreme)

intense cold 嚴寒

intense heat 酷暑

強烈的討論 intense discussion

intensify vt. 使增強

-you must intensify your sense of responsibility.

intensity n.強烈,強度


-losing jobs are growing in intensity.

12、bedraggled adj.拖泥帶水的

13、dump v. 把...砰地一聲拋下


-he dumped his old photos into a box.


-some waste is dumped into the river.


garbage dump= rubbish dump=refuse dump

14、apologetic adj. 道歉的


-he was apologetic.

apologize v.道歉

apologize to sb.

-the boss apologized to his employees.

apology n.歉意

make an apology to sb. for sth.


-he make an apology to his teacher for being late.

道歉信 apology letter /a letter of apology

15、reprimand v.正式地,嚴厲地訓斥

(scold officially and severely)

-the boss reprimanded his employees severely.

blame 責備(語氣程度較弱)

blame sb. for sth.

-mother blamed me for playing computer games.

scold 斥責(語氣稍重一點)

reprimand v./n. 嚴厲斥責(語氣最強)

16、stage v. 暗中策劃,籌畫,舉辦

-he staged a bank robbery.

舉辦一次展覽 stage an exhibition

stage n.舞台

在舞台上 on stage

-she makes performance on world stage.

stage fright 怯場


stage by stage adv.分階段地,逐步的(step by step)

second stage 第二階段

early stage 早期,初期

17、elaborate adj.精心構思的(carefully worked out)

an elaborate design 精心的設計

elaborate plan 細密的計畫

elaborate course 精品課程


-he elaborated a system of computer.

18. draw attention to


attract attention/ catch attention to/ capture attention to / hold attention to / arrest attention to

19、up to直到 from…up to… 從…到…

20、rain he**ily 大雨傾盆


大雨傾盆 rain dogs and cats

全身濕透be wet all over

從頭濕到腳 be soaked from head to toe

被淋得像落湯雞 be caught in the rain like drowned rat

21、be caught in a he**y shower 遇到瓢潑大雨


be caught in a he**y snow/ he**y storm

be caught in an earthquake

be caught in a seaquake/ tsunami

22、pay no attention to sb.


同:ignore sb.

take no notice of sb.

turn a deaf ear to sb.充耳不聞

turn a blind eye to sb. 視而不見

23、present sb. with sth.

= present sth. to sb.


hand sth. to sb./ hand sb. sth.=

pass sth. to sb./ pass sb. sth=

deliver sth. to sb./ deliver sb. sth.

lesson 32 a lost ship


從火中搶救貨物 salvage goods from fire

拯救病人 salvage the patient

salvage your time 節省時間


沉沒了的珍寶/船 sunken treasure/ship

sink v.沉沒(sink, sank, sunk)

-the wood does not sink in water.

sink into 陷入,沉入

-my feet sank into the mud.

3. cargo n.貨物

4. scour v.(go through)徹底搜尋

-the house has been soured for the hidden bullions.

5. chest n.箱子

case 總稱

suitcase 手提箱

safe 保險箱

trunk 汽車尾箱

dustbin 垃圾箱

6. contents n.(複數)所裝的東西

content n.內容;目錄

-i like the style of his writing , but i don't like the content.

一本書的目錄 the content of one book

adj. 滿意的,滿足的

-i am quite content with my current condition.


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