
2023-01-24 01:12:04 字數 1624 閱讀 2207

1. 與你共進晚餐是一件愉快的事情。

it issupper with you.

2. 她聽到這個訊息後臉色發白。

sheafter hearing the news.

3. 不要總拿別人的缺點開玩笑。

don』t alwaysother』s shortcomings.

4. 他是乙個具有幽默感的人,所以很受歡迎。

he』s a person withso he is very popular.

5. 我只想確認一切都好。

i just want tothat everything is ok.

6. 當別人處於困境時,我們應該盡最大的努力給予幫助。

when someonewe should try our best to give help.

7. 你的問題似乎很難解決。

your problemto solve.


1. 我忘記關掉水龍頭,水溢位來了浸滿公寓。

i forgot to switch off the tap this morning. waterand poured around the flat.

2. 能告訴我什麼時候開始會議嗎?

could you tell methe meeting?

3. 我們打的徑直去旅店好嗎?我很累不能再走了。

shall wethe hotel by taxi? i』m really tired and can』t walk any more.


this dresssilk. it feels very smooth.

5. 我們都認為tom是天才。

theytoma genius.

6. 請為我把瓶子裝滿水好嗎?

would you pleasethe bottle water for me?

7. 我媽媽對我在學校的行為感到滿意。

my motheralwaysmy beh**iour at school.

8. 小女孩很聰明,她能背許多古詩。

the little girl is very smart. shemany ancient chinese poems

9. 馬利學習努力,因為她不想讓父母失望。

mary works hard at school because she doesn』t want to her parents


can you _____ the new project? we need you.

11. 他經常幫助媽媽幹家務活。

he usuallyhis mumhousework.

12. 我實在沒興趣聽這麼無聊的笑話。

i reallyto such boring jokes.

13. 瑪麗想通過節食**。

mary wants toto lose weight.

14. 他感到羞愧沒有幫助那個老人。

henot h**ing helped the old man.

15. 我期待收到你的來信。

i am looking forward toyou soon.


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