VB期末複習2 無答案

2023-01-05 03:00:03 字數 3279 閱讀 4534









private sub command1_click()

dim x as single


open for22as #1

do while23)

input #1, x: x


close #1

end sub

private sub command2_click()

dim n as single, x as single, i as integer, j as integer, k as integer

n = list124)

redim a(n) as single

for i = 1 to n: a(i) = - 1): next i

for i = 1 to n - 1

k = i

for j = i + 1 to n

if25then k = j

next j

x = a(k): a(k) = a(i): a(i) = x

next i

open for output as #1

for i = 1 to n: print #1, a(i): next i

close #1

end sub


(21) [a] showopen [b] filename [c] action [d] open

(22) [a] output [b] input [c] append [d] read

(23) [a] eof(1) [b] not eof(1) [c] eof(fn) [d] not eof(fn)

(24) [a] count [b] listcount – 1 [c] list [d] listcount

(25) [a] a(j) > a(k) [b] a(j) <= a(k) [c] a(j) <> a(k) [d] a(j) < a(k)



dim n as integer

private sub command1_click()

if = "開始" then

= "顯示"

= true: n = 0


= false: msgbox ("單擊該區域27次")

end if

end sub

private sub form_activate()

=(-3, 3)-(3, -3)

(0, 0), 2

= vbwhite: (0, 0), 1

end sub

private sub form_load()

= "開始": = false

end sub

private sub p1_mousedown(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

if x * x + y * y >= 1 and30then n = n + 1

end sub


(26) [a] "退出" [b] "開始" [c] "顯示" [d] "開始"

(27) [a] n [b] val(n) [c] str(n) [d] trim(n)

(28) [a] 1 [b] 0 [c] 2 [d] 3

(29) [a] vbblack [b] rgb(255,0,0) [c] vbwhite [d] rgb(255,255,0)

(30) [a] x * x + y * y <= 4 [b] x > 2 and y > 2

[c] x * x + y * y <= 2 [d] x * x + y * y > 4



dim n as integer, i as integer

private sub command1_click()

n = len(

i = 0錯誤1 ***'

do until i <= len(錯誤2 ***'

if left( n) = then錯誤3 ***'

= i - 1

= 錯誤4 ***'

exit do

end if

i = i + 1


if i > len( then

msgbox "沒找到" ; 錯誤5 ***'

= ""

end if

end sub



private sub form_click()

dim a(1 to 2, 1 to 3) as integer, i as integer, j as integer

for i = 1 to 2

for j = 1 to 3

a(i, j) = i + j: print a(i, j),

next j


next i

end sub


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