
2023-01-04 09:45:05 字數 4880 閱讀 5300

unit three my weekend plan


b let』s try let』s talk


b部分let』s try,let』s talk


本課時要學習b部分let』s try,let』s talk兩部分內容。


閱讀理解課對於學生來說,略有難度。由於文字內容豐富,其中一些句子較長:we』re going to see a film about space tr**el.

we 『re going to see a film about space tr**el. 這些較長的句子可能難於理解,說的不夠流暢。學生對when, what, where的具體內涵可能不清楚。




2.能夠在情境中運用句型where are/is …going? … is going to … , when are/is…going?



go to the cinema → going to the cinema → i am going to the cinema. → where are you going? i』m going to the cinema.

when are you going? → next wednesday.




教學重點:能夠在情境中運用句型where are/is…going? … is/are going to …, when are/is…going? 談論計畫的時間和地點。

教學難點:學習相關片語a film about space tr**el, lots of comic books about space, half price等。






t: nice to see you again. ss:

nice to see you again. t: i h**e a bag.

what』s in the bag? h**e a try.

(二)a game for revision : 複習句型「what are you going to do? i』m going to… 」


老師問:what are you going to do? i』m going to see a film.

【設計意圖】通過師生對話, 啟用課堂氣氛。 並在遊戲情景中,巧妙複習所學內容。


(一)let』s try

1. 第一遍聽:t now this is amy, guess what is amy going to do?

listen and answer. ss: she is going to buy some food.

2. 第二遍聽:t:

this is john. is john going to buy some food? listen and answer.

ss: no, he is going to buy some ice cream. is the ice –cream for john?

no, it』s for jack.

3. 點明jack身份。t: who is jack? he is john』s cousin. and he is going to visit john.

【設計意圖】聽前對所聽內容進行**,聽中帶著問題,聽後完成練習。let』s try 為let』s talk 的匯入進行了鋪墊。是對話教學的引子。

特別點明傑克的身份,鞏固複習單詞cousin, 為對話情境做鋪墊。

(二)let』s talk

1.第一遍讀:練習where, what how

t: now jack is going to visit john. now you are john.. i am amy. 師生分角色朗讀對話。

amy: what is your cousin jack going to do? john:

he is going to visit me next week. 接著,教師紅顏色用標出單詞what, 並讓學生****let』s talk,找出其他含有wh的單詞。即:

what when where。然後讓學生把手中所有的粗組按照不同的分類貼在黑板上。

2.第二遍讀:練習where are you going? what are you going to do?

t: where are they going? read after the video and answer.

where are they going? a. cinema b.

hospital c. supermarket d. hospital.

在跟讀第二遍**錄音後,學生從給定地點範圍中選出約翰和傑克要去的地方。ss: they are going to the cinema.

然後學生兩人一組加動作表演對話。 s1: where are you going?

s2: i am going to the cinema. 隨後教師問第二個問題:

what are they going to do? ss: they are going to see a film.

然後讓學生選擇。they are going to see a film about學生通過對全文的整體把握,找出正確答案。they are going to see a film about a.

教師解釋。t: yes, a is space tr**el.

並利用不同的情境反覆讀space tr**el. 解釋space 的意思。 隨後學生兩人一組加動作表演對話。

s1: what are you going to do? s2:

i』m going to see a film about space tr**el. .

3. 第三遍讀:講解練習when are they going ?

學生跟讀錄音, 並回答:next wednesday. 用**呈現電影院一周的的票價。通過比較發現周二的票價是半價的。教學單詞half price。

【設計意圖】 反覆閱讀文字,在文字中處理where are you going? what are you going to do? when are you going?





2. 分角色朗讀對話。注意學生的語音語調及表情、動作。


t: now if you are john. fill in the blanks and ask and answer in pairs.



學生選擇where, what, when組內的不同卡片。創編一段對話。 如:

where are you going ? i』m going to the library. what are you going to do?

i』m going to read a book. when are you going? i am going at three o』clock.




創設中秋節的情境, 讓學生討論中秋節的計畫。

t: now mid-autumn day is coming. where are your family going ?

what are your family going to do? talk about is in pairs. and here is a model.

a: mid-autumn day is coming. where are your family going?

b: we are going to visit our grandparents.

a: what are you going to do?

b: we are going to eat moon cakes. then we are you going to see a film.

a: when are you going?

b: next sunday.


listen and choose.(將合適的單詞填在題前括號內)

what when how

1are you going? we are going to the cinema.

2are you going to do. we are going to see a film.

3are you going? i』m going at 3 o』clock.

4is my toy car? it』s on the desk.

5is his name? his name is zhang peng.


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