
2022-12-12 01:33:03 字數 4171 閱讀 5068


summer cooling purposes is the key of the chickens in summer. farms in the site to choose leeward sunningdale, dry terrain and hydropower is convenient, shoulds not be too small, the distance between the henhouse. hen house roof thicker, it is better to 1 layer white cream, prevent sun direct sun, cooling purposes, in the frontier had better set sun-shade net or planting trees for shade.






inner ventilation is better, you must add wire on the windows and doors, in case the beast. summer at room temperature is best can maintain less than 28 ℃, and the growth of chicken. supply chicken enough clean drinking water, set up enough water tank or nipple, keep water temperature around 10 ℃.

place the water tank in the house, do not in the sun directly, otherwise it will increase water temperature. in high temperature days, 10:00 until 17:

00 pm every day, every 2 hours in one water, had better choose deep well water, pay attention to water quality. once proper added in the drinking water is good for the summer heat drugs, enhance the digestion and absorption of raw materials, such as baking soda, vinegar, vitamin c, etc. should strengthen ventilated take a breath, reduce inner temperature, add a shed in fresh oxygen, reduce humidity, for canned chicken coop to install longitudinal ventilation fan, water installation is more advantageous to reduce temperature in the house.

water can be directly to the ceiling or install spray device with proper disinfectant, spray directly to the chickens, fit the fan. fan water but use undeserved can cause chickens infection, such as excessive wind speed or the water is too cold, cause the henhouse temperature drop, cause chickens colds, etc. adjust grain structure, proper increase of protein content in the feed, to ensure the quality of the diet, prevent feeding mildewed feed.

sheds in more than 25 ℃, the temperature rise per 1 ℃, poultry feed intake is reduced by 1.6%, due to lower energy, improve the level of protein was 10% ~ 15%, plant protein can instead of animal protein feed, can reduce the chicken eating greasy feeling, increase 2 times a variety of vitamins in the diet.



add high quality many kinds of vitamin, choline chloride, bicarbonate of soda and vitamin c, is good for cooling purposes of traditional chinese medicine additive, such as astragalus, menthol, borneol and so on. appropriately reduce the breeding density, white chicken summer planting density of 7 ~ 9 per square metre only. each group with 300 chickens advisable, with fence off between group and group, prevent the extremely crowded, but also to inner air flow.

make efforts to prevent stress, ready to generators and candles and so on. on the management at the same time, the appropriate cut short time lighting at night, to enhance chicken's ability to adapt to power (from brood alternation of light and dark) was given.


transfer chicken group necessary prevention, and fertilization etc. work in the afternoon or early in the morning is cool, to alleviate the chicken group multiple stress. when strong convective weather, completes the breeding management, improve the chicken group's ability to stress thunderstorms.


雞肉的做法大全 3 家常燜雞 主料 雞肉1000克,青椒15克,番茄100克 輔料 辣醬油7.5克,洋蔥 胡蘿蔔各30克,香葉半片,番茄醬75克,大蒜5克,芹菜25克,油100克,鹽7.5克,胡椒粉少許。製作方法 1 將雞肉剁成塊,撒鹽 胡椒粉用油煎上色,放入燜鍋內加香葉,適量清湯燜15 20分鐘。...


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